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Camouflage Principles

Reel Number: 220866-08

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1942

Country: USA?


TC Begins: 11:37:52

TC Ends: 11:48:05

Duration: 00:10:13

Camouflage Principles Explains techniques of camouflage. Developing and examining aerial photograph. Explosion on ground. Firing gun. Camouflage nets over vehicles, guns, tank. Using woods as natural camouflage. Troops run through fields with camouflaged helmets. Aerials trucks and convoys show how equipment can be detected from observation planes. Examining aerial photograph with magnifying glass. Choosing location and marking map. Animation shows truck convoy entering dummy installation. Aerial forest. Instruction signs taped on tree. camouflaging truck with branches. bare branches used for camouflage. Camouflage net. Aerial desert. Fishnets. truck camouflaged by house. Firing gun.

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