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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221473-02
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1960s
Country: Nigeria,Thailand,USA
Location: DC,Washington
TC Begins: 06:22:53
TC Ends: 06:38:01
Duration: 00:15:08
In Search of Peace Pt. 1 of 2 Ext. of Department of State. Stills 06:23:37 Dean Rusk SOF about US foreign policy. Headline of crisis & footage; Iran; Greece; Berlin; North Korea; Cuban Missile Crisis. 06:24:39 Adlai Stevenson at UN asks question. Tanks move in Hungary. South Vietnam. Rusk keeps talking about meeting agression w/ force “...we’ve done so w/ prudence...” 06:26:15 Title. 06:26:30 Rusk keeps speaking. 06:26:53 ?? speaking “As our policy of containment...the communist world has moved to a basically different strategy.” Stone throwing, smoke bombs, etc. Thailand shown w/ POV on river & canal past villagers. City center w/ fountain & traffic. Pedestirians. GOOD. Map of SE Asia. US military working w/ Thai villagers & military assistance. Thailand jet pilots to planes & take off. Explanation w/ map of Chinese moving south. 06:30:32 Rusk: “We must work together w/ the other industrialized countries... 06:30:57 ?? speaking re Marshall plan working w/ Europe in past; then NATO; OECD & monetary fund to maintain industrialized countries strength. Visuals of automotive factory assembly line. Talking about Free Trade . 06:32:35 Africa outline superimposed over shots of village & westerners giving medical aid. 06:33:13 MS of speaker: “We Have to work together... to compete...” 06:33:36 Rusk: “...most of these new governments now face the revolution of rising expections... 06:34:11 ?? Talking about foreign aid programs. Visuals of Africans working; AID cartons w/ markings. inoculations. South Americans & road building. Nigeria & fishing along the coast; traffic. Education, small shops; agricluture; outdoor class for adult education & teacher training. Pan over faces, CUs. 06:36:46 Poultry raising in eastern Nigeria; people sorting eggs; CU chickens in pens. Men fishing w/ nets; bringing fish, shrimp & selling at dock. Cold War; Economics; Government Propaganda; 1960s; State Department; Diplomacy; Anti-Communist; Diplomatic Foreign Policy;