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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250075-02
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1950
Country: Korea,North Korea,USA
Location: Hungnam
TC Begins: 04:05:03
TC Ends: 04:15:52
Duration: 00:10:49
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: Korean War - 1950: Hungnam Evacuation. 11-13Dec50 AVs, many ships in harbor from various altitudes. 04:06:49 Low aerials of industrial area w/ damaged factory buildings & snow on ground. 04:07:24 AVs, port; some ships at piers. AV two transports at pier. 04:07:42 Three US soldiers walk past small, burning buildings. MS of men & flames. More soldiers looking at fire. 04:08:33 Jeep, then truck hoisted aloft to transport ship. GOOD. 04:09:15 Soldiers load several wounded men on litters aboard LCM. LCM w/ two men on litters & other men standing pulls away from pier. 04:09:59 LS, thousands of oil drums stacked on field near the port. 04:10:04 Load of supplies loaded into hold of vessel. HS, supplies stacked in dock area. 04:10:28 Landing craft, LCVP? leaving; Marines getting into LCVP at dock, throw barracks bags in. MSs, marines in the landing craft move away from dock. 04:11:00 LS, LST w/ bow doors open standing off shore during sunset. 04:11:10 Trucks arrive w/ troops; cheerful men wave to camera. Soldiers off truck; load into landing craft. HS from rear of lcraft as soldiers aboard. MS, men in landing craft; ramp of LCM is closed. LCM backs away from shore. 04:12:24 Trucks arrive w/ troops, men wave. Jeeps load onto LSU; bulldozer loading into LSM. Man driving jeep into landing craft. Bulldozer towards camera & bulldozer towing a grader loading onto landing craft. 04:13:42 Cargo net of supplies is let down into small landing craft. Marines in the stern as landing craft moving out thru exhaust smoke. 04:14:16 From pier as truck & artillery are hoisted aboard large vessel. 105mm howitzer is hoisted aboard vessel. 04:15:20 Net full of crates hoisted aboard & truck loaded aboard transport. Battle of Chosin Reservoir retreat; Military; NOTE: Considered greatest evacuation by sea in US military history. NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: