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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250212-06
Color: Colour
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1970s,1979
Country: USA
Location: BealE AFB,California
TC Begins: 20:43:37
TC Ends: 21:05:46
Duration: 00:22:09
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: Military Aviation - Color, 1979: U-2R & SR-71B Take Offs, Landings, In flight; Pilots Prepare. Slate: Global Shield, 17May79 Camera: Thomason. High angle / HA LS U-2R taking off to left. 20:44:14 MLS SR-71B Landing, touching down & taking off, TAG to left. 20:44:50 LS MLS U-2R & SR-71B touching down singly to left. 20:46;30 Various aerials SR-71B in flight to right over coastline; on final approach & doing TAG to right. 20:49:19 Aerials U-2R in flight to right above snow covered mountains. AVs U-2R in flight left. 20:55:05 AVs SR-71B in flight to left. 20:57:40 SR-71B w/ landing gear down on final approach & touchdown. 20:58;21 POV from in T-38A airplane, approaching and landing. 21:00:01 Slate: 14May79 Global Shield. INT flight gear issue section, MSs, CUs SR-71 pilot & Reconnaissance Systems Officer (RSO) being assisted by USAF airmen into flight gear. 21:03:05 Slate: AMARILL0 MSs outdoor briefing in progress; airmen & women into cars, onto runway. 21:04:27 ECU emblem on auto door: City of Amarillo, Texas. participants at briefing beside car in front of B-52G parked on ramp. TWA 727 taxiing in background as airmen watch. Cold War; 1970s; Reconnaissance Aircraft; SAC ; Strategic Air Command; Spy Planes; Blackbird; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. NOTE: Very good color & photography. FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: