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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220690-02
Color: Colour
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1966
Country: Vietnam
Location: Da Nang
TC Begins: 02:06:07
TC Ends: 02:15:20
Duration: 00:09:13
Naval Support Activities, Da Nang - Jan & Feb 1966 Barge alongside merchant ship in harbour at Da Nang; PAN back away from ship & lighter, Lighter alongside merchant ship during offloading of supplies onto the barge, 02:08:05 LCM-8 at sea in Da Nang river; the USS Bexar (APA-237) underway - shoreline in background. 02:09:28 Commercial Pier at Da Nang docks- warehouses. Mobile crane hanging its hook over the barge; PAN further L to merchant ship (unident.), 02:10:30 Looking across the river showing village; Landing craft enters scene R moving north down the Da Nang river (it"s Number is 1380); LCU leaves scene L; village seen on far shore of the river, 02:11:17 Dock area. PAN around port side of ON APL-30, floating barracks APL-30 up to dock at Da Nang harbour. Small craft tied up to dock at the Da Nang harbor; small craft are the Navy YFRNs 997, 385, 412, F, UX. Various small boats of varied descriptions tied up to dock in Da Nang harbour, 02:14:54 USS Bexar - LCVP moving up past the starbd. side and out of scene.