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Objective Security R1 of 2

Reel Number: 220335-04

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1945

Country: Japan

Location: Okinawa,Pacific,RYUKU ISLANDS

TC Begins: 20:37:48

TC Ends: 20:47:48

Duration: 00:10:00

Objective Security R1 of 2 On US army treatment of civilian population of Okinawa 20:38:08 Opening program. CU hands play church organ, music sheets. Church. Four nuns in white habit seen through cross shape. Cross-shaped choir singing in Hollywood Bowl. Battleship guns firing. US Troops on boats to shore. Huge explosion. Armored vehicles & Marine infantry on land. 20:39:50 Okinawan children & family led out of tunnel in ground by US soldier. GI carries old Okinawan woman. Refugees climb up steep rocks w/ help from US soldiers. More rescue scenes: Black & White GI’s pull small children out of hole, giving bottle to child, child looks at camera shaking, trembling w/ fear. 20:41:21 US soldiers give medical care to rescued, GIs carry small children in their arms. Woman whose foot was cut off by Japanese. Old man talks to soldiers. Women & children, old people. Group stands w/ luggage on head, putting suitcases in back of trucks. Young boy w/ pole carrying ??. Small girl carrying baby on back. Refugees walking w/ US military overseeing. 20:43:36 Sign “Central Collection Station” where screening & interrogation take place, US soldier puts string around neck of baby, then mother, smiling. Outdoors desk & registration. Japanese-American interviewing men. Medical examination, looking at eyes, checking heart w/ stethoscope, teeth, pulling out tongue. US army doctors treat wounded in tent. Lepers behind barbed wires, examined by US doctor. Japanese civil affairs coordinating organisation & cooperation: Refugees gathered outdoors, bow; organised into groups, leader calls out roll call, distributing instruction leaflets. 20:46:02 Three women take oath as Americans watch. Okinawan man writes on wall in Japanese under instructions from US soldier. Government buildings sealed with notice “keep Out! US military government” & translation in Japanese. Okinawans reading notices. 20:46:49 Keeping registers & distributing food tokens for rationing. Weighing food w/ scales. Grain carried out of truck in wooden bucket, other foods scooped out. Post-WWII; Occupation; Occupied Japan; Government; Governance; Civil Affairs Progarm;

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