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Of Saucers and Believers Part 1 of 2

Reel Number: 220688-01

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1965

Country: USA


TC Begins: 21:00:06

TC Ends: 21:11:59

Duration: 00:11:53

Of Saucers and Believers Part 1 of 2 07Jul65 date of filming or sightings People outdoors looking for UFOs. Man saying “ We are your friends. Please contact us”. Galaxy and stars. Interviews with people who have had sightings. Reconstruction of woman’s UFO sighting: Woman driving at night. Road signs. Gets out of car and looks out; finds husband in bed and both look out window. Woman draws picture of UFO. Children play with UFO-shaped toy. Newspaper headlines re UFO. Blurry photographs and films UFO sightings. More headlines. 21:07:27 Reconstruction officer’s sighting in cemetery. driving in car at night. 21:09:30 President of a UFO citizen group NICAP: “We believe that UFOs are real, that they are from outer space” 21:10:14 USAF UFO investigation project representative gives opinion. French? NASA scientist Jacques Vallez? says problem is not so simple. Quality mediocre

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