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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250052-02
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1944,1945
Country: Germany
TC Begins: 06:08:51
TC Ends: 06:18:52
Duration: 00:10:01
WWII - 1945 , ME-262 Aircraft (Messerschmitt Swallow) Continued... MS German officer & NCO stand in front of a blackboard inside an office continuing to draw small blocks inside the rough outline of ME-262 & explains (MOS) to NCO about the drawing figures. They walk away from blackboard, sit down by a small table in corner of room, light up cigarettes & talk. CUS. 06:10:49 NCO away & brings back a four-pen desk set -- with this the officer explains something by pushing pen holders back & forth as controls. CU men talking. 06:12:43 Officer to telephone; The men walk over to the desk; finally NCO shakes hands, salutes, & leaves the office. 06:14:06 LS M-262 as it makes a couple turns in the sky. Same German officer & NCO walk together on a runway against a bg of buildings; they stop walking and look up at the ME-262 flying in the sky. 06:15:15 ME-262 in flight w/ wheels down. Men watching, walking & talking. 06:16:17 ME-262 on jacks w/ mechanic working. Man sitting in cockpit demonstrates operation of landing gear. CU landing gear folds & unfolds. 06:17:18 Officer & NCO climb onto ME-262 wing & stand by it's open cockpit, Officer points out compressed air knobs inside left side of cockpit. CU knobs & panel, officer lectures about valve -- both climb down to ground and walk away from aircraft still discussing. 06:18:18 ME-262, V167 marking, as it lands. Officer & NCO. 06:18:39 MSV four parked ME-262's w/ tractor towing another w/ camouflage paint & swastika on tail past. Continued.... WW2; First jet-powered fighter aircraft; Germany Military Aviation; Instructional Training Film;