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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220474-39
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1946,1940s
Country: Luxembourg,USA,USSR
Location: New York City,NYC,Pineville, Kentucky,Washington, DC
TC Begins: 14:05:58
TC Ends: 14:08:47
Duration: 00:02:49
Post-WWII - 1946, USA: Byrnes Home; Patton Burial; Mine Disaster; La Guardia & O’Dwyer Intertitle: World Events - Byrnes Home from Moscow. 14:06:09 Out US military aircraft / airplane in Washington on return from Moscow Conference of Foreign Ministery; greeted by wife w/ kiss; talks to press taking notes on airport wet tarmac. GOOD CU. 14:06:24 Intertitle: Patton Laid To Rest. 14:06:28 Patton funeral cortege of military vehicles; flag draped coffin carried in 3rd Army cemetery in Luxembourg to grave. Gun salute. 14:06:52 Intertitle: 7 Saved In Mine Disaster. 14:06:55 MS Sullen families wait outside Pineville, Kentucky mine, CUs. Mine railroad car comes out of pit empty. CU tense women & children. Another train entering mine, CUs of spectators. Night, mine car brings up seven survivors of 31 trapped miners. 14:07:52 Intertitle: La Guardia Leaves Office. 14:07:56 MS La Guardia at desk. CU, SOF: “Gentlemen, the new Mayor of New York will be in in just a moment so hold your film”. Row of cameramen. 14:08:07 La Guardia leads O’Dwyer in, shakes hands. CU O’Dwyer, SOF: “I realize that not only New York City but the whole country, the whole world, has the responsibility to re-adjust itself to peace. That means hard thinking, hard work & cooperation. 14:08:41 La Guardia descending steps w/ wife; waves hat. 1945; 1940s; Post-WW2; Diplomacy; Politicians; Coal Mining Disasters;