Pre-WWII - 1939, Military: USAAC Officers; Japan & China; Hitler Birthday; German Air Force; US Navy
War Department, Washington, DC. Si. MS US Army Chief of Staff Brigadier General George Marshall in striped summer suit pointing w/ pencil map; US Army Air Corps / USAAC Chief Brigadier General Hap Arnold & Staff General Frank Andrews (both also in suits) looking, globe in bg. Model of 4-engine aircraft as paperweight. MCU. CU of Arnold & Andrews.
01:01:04 CU Marshall. MCUs. Slug.
01:01:34 MS Sd. (unusable) Street w/ Italian troops carrying litter w/ wounded soldier past doorway w/ sign: Alpargateria.
01:01:38 MS Sd. Ext. Chinese cleaning up rubble in Hankou / Hankow after aerial bombings. Moving coffins. Planes overhead bombing Wuhan across the Yangtze River.
01:02:10 MCU Children running to St. Hilda’s Church Mission. US flag flying on pole outside. Roof w/ US flag; damage from bombing. People picking thru debris / rubble of provincial hospital.
01:02:32 MS Si. 3 single-engine military biplanes overhead. Doctor treating injured boy in street; bodies or injured. Slug.
01:02:45 20Apr39 LS past reviewing stand on Hitler’s 50th birthday, planes overhead & parade approaching l. to r.
01:03:10 High Angle / HA LS of parade w/ crowd & bleachers along wide avenue. MCU Japanese delegates & others in top hats watching, stand & remove hats or salute. Nazi officers watching. Slug.
01:03:26 CU Montage: airplane motor staring, pilot, row of single engine biplanes w/ Swastika on tails pulling out on grassy field,taking off, CU people watching planes doing acrobatics. Trimotor bombers taxiing, aerial of paratroops out of planes & landing.
01:04:20 Tobis Wochenschau (title - brief). Two seated men talking in other civilians & military behind. Planes taxiing; MS unid. men talking w/ British airman & others. Twin-engine German planes taking off, aerials. CU behind pilot, plane in flight, other shots of pilots & bombers over clouds. Slug.
01:05:43 MS from tower of aircraft carrier as US biplane takes off between painted wide guide lines on deck. View of planes on deck, light naval ship w/ 4 stacks visible.
01:06:14 Si. Title: Navy Birds - The Saratoga Tests Planes Over Pacific. View of biplanes on aircraft carrier flight deck w/ tower & stacks behind visible. MS planes warming up, deck crews walking about; planes taking off and overhead, including amphibious plane for Battleship . Planes in formation overhead; viewed from air.
Pre-WW2; Birthday Celebration; Naval Aviation; 1930s; Military Fighting; China;
Pre-WWII - 1939, Military: USAAC Officers; Japan & China; Hitler Birthday; German Air Force; US Navy War Department, Washington, DC. Si. MS US Army Chief of Staff Brigadier General George Marshall in striped summer suit pointing w/ pencil map; US Army Air Corps / USAAC Chief Brigadier General Hap Arnold & Staff General Frank Andrews (both also in suits) looking, globe in bg. Model of 4-engine aircraft as paperweight. MCU. CU of Arnold & Andrews. 01:01:04 CU Marshall. MCUs. Slug. 01:01:34 MS Sd. (unusable) Street w/ Italian troops carrying litter w/ wounded soldier past doorway w/ sign: Alpargateria. 01:01:38 MS Sd. Ext. Chinese cleaning up rubble in Hankou / Hankow after aerial bombings. Moving coffins. Planes overhead bombing Wuhan across the Yangtze River. 01:02:10 MCU Children running to St. Hilda’s Church Mission. US flag flying on pole outside. Roof w/ US flag; damage from bombing. People picking thru debris / rubble of provincial hospital. 01:02:32 MS Si. 3 single-engine military biplanes overhead. Doctor treating injured boy in street; bodies or injured. Slug. 01:02:45 20Apr39 LS past reviewing stand on Hitler’s 50th birthday, planes overhead & parade approaching l. to r. 01:03:10 High Angle / HA LS of parade w/ crowd & bleachers along wide avenue. MCU Japanese delegates & others in top hats watching, stand & remove hats or salute. Nazi officers watching. Slug. 01:03:26 CU Montage: airplane motor staring, pilot, row of single engine biplanes w/ Swastika on tails pulling out on grassy field,taking off, CU people watching planes doing acrobatics. Trimotor bombers taxiing, aerial of paratroops out of planes & landing. 01:04:20 Tobis Wochenschau (title - brief). Two seated men talking in other civilians & military behind. Planes taxiing; MS unid. men talking w/ British airman & others. Twin-engine German planes taking off, aerials. CU behind pilot, plane in flight, other shots of pilots & bombers over clouds. Slug. 01:05:43 MS from tower of aircraft carrier as US biplane takes off between painted wide guide lines on deck. View of planes on deck, light naval ship w/ 4 stacks visible. 01:06:14 Si. Title: Navy Birds - The Saratoga Tests Planes Over Pacific. View of biplanes on aircraft carrier flight deck w/ tower & stacks behind visible. MS planes warming up, deck crews walking about; planes taking off and overhead, including amphibious plane for Battleship . Planes in formation overhead; viewed from air. Pre-WW2; Birthday Celebration; Naval Aviation; 1930s; Military Fighting; China;