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Reel Number: 280007-03

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1969

Country: Indonesia,United Kingdom,USA,Venezuela,Vietnam

Location: Boston,Cambridge,Massachusetts

TC Begins: 04:42:52

TC Ends: 05:00:30

Duration: 00:17:38

R.O.T.C Officer at desk speaking: “...the spirit of the Army is the rifle...the most precious thing in the world to them...” 04:43:29 ROTC drilling outside University. National Guard fighting w/ Black civilians. 04:44:03 Title: “Realistically, all wars have been fought for economic reasons. To make them politically & socially palatable, ideological issues have always been invoked.” - U.S. Office of Naval Intelligence, 1938. Officer continuing to talk re drawing line between politics & war. Col. Pell ROTC commander, Harvard U. 04:45:11 Smedley Butler quote on Marines protecting various US economic interests. 04:45:30 ROTC cadets drilling outside buildings at Harvard. VO re Defense Department budget. Sailors walking sidewalks. Foreign leader in Central or South America; Guatemala poverty in village; farm workers. 04:47:11 Guatemala military & US Army. Castillo Armas & others. W/ other military at map. US military officers & Guatemala troops. US plane overhead. 04:48:06 Vietnam stock footage, strafing, helicopters firing rockets; village burning. Venezualan dictator Marcos Perez Jimenez & reviewing military parade w/ US equipment at intersection of Paseo los Proceres & Fuerte Tiuna in Caracas. 04:49:29 Indonesia & US guerillas & advisors; artillery firing. Henry Cabot Lodge quote. 04:50:11 Montage of Vietnam battle footage. 04:50:24 College classroom & students at desks w/ officer lecturing to ROTC class. 04:50:55 Col. Pell continues talking to support ROTC. “Our armed forces cannot survive without ROTC as a source of Junior Officers...” 04:52:42 Counter argument set forth by professor and talk about credit for course work. 04:53:5? Col. Wade of Boston University says there can be some changes in ROTC. 04:54:20 Title: Liberal Argument, Part II Says University should be a place where all views can be discussed w/o them being political. Pell pulls out March 28, 1969 issue of Harvard Crimson. Other headlines; signs for anti-ROTC meeting; & students at protest, sit-in w/ large group talking, pickets w/ signs calling for end to ROTC. Large outdoor group of students & faculty at rally. Indoor meeting. 04:58:07 Night & police breaking up demonstration w/ batons,helmets & shields. Stills. Police vans thru campus. Stills of graduates & political leaders. Campus building. Harvard University sign of departments. Campus view of building under construction. Troops marching in review. Naked baby. 05:00:26 Newsreel flashing end. Anti-Militarism; Reserve Officers Training Corps; Harvard University; 1969; 1960s; 1970s; Anti-Vietnam; Campus Sit-in;

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