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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220565-08
Color: Colour
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1973
Country: USA
Location: Wounded Knee
TC Begins: 12:29:50
TC Ends: 12:52:00
Duration: 00:22:10
Siege at Wounded Knee Parts 1 & 2 Awful quality amateur material dubbed from the VHS master at the National Archives. Showing daily activities of US Marshals during AIM occupation. Native American Indians. Usable shots at 12.30.24 - 12.31.05 Men with rifles behind sandbags / barricades 12.32.08 - 12.34.13 Men clowning around for camera - helicopter flies in 12.35.22 - 12.36.25 US military equipment. US Marshals with guns Part Two 12.40.10- end - Round up of Indian protesters - women and children. Native Americans searched by marshals - some material usable within this section although very poor quality.