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US combat and medical units attached to US 7th Corps in the Ste Mere-Eglise sector and elsewhere.

Reel Number: 300384

Color: Black and White

Sound: SIL

Year / Date: 1944

Country: Canada,England,France,United Kingdom,USA

Location: Eglise,Normandy,Omaha Beach,St Mere

TC Begins: 01:00:00

TC Ends: 01:10:05

Duration: 00:10:05

01:00:05 St Mere-Eglise  showing an M7 105mm self propelled gun belonging to 29th Field Artillery Battalion, a 4th Division unit, and positioned beneath camouflage netting laying down a rapid-fire barrage: member of the M7 crew collecting up empty 105mm stowage cases into a blanket during a pause in the bombardment 01:01:05 Sunday 11th June 1944 showing GIs and US military vehicles in St Honorine des Pertes , a village close to OMAHA Beach that looks unscathed despite the fighting: a group of French villagers standing outside the villager restaurant waving at the camera: two teenage boys at an open first floor window smiling and waving a French Tricolour flag and giving s thumbs up sign for the camera:  three villagers arrive st the entrance to the village church for a Sunday service: GIs standing around near the church as village worshippers head for home after the conclusion of the Sunday service. 01:02:28 POW reception centre a short distance inland from OMAHA Beach on 11th June 1944 as a US Army intelligence officer records the  names, rank and number of German prisoners with the help of two captives, starting with a group of German NCOs who are seen producing more their Soldatenbuch for inspection 01:03:09 near St Mere-Eglise in a farmyard  as two parties of captured German soldiers bring in wounded on improvised stretcher for first aid: a close up of one of the casualties, an NCO, with a bandaged leg wound: s procession of German prisoners with their hands raised files through the courtyard past the camera 01:04:13 Seven GIs standing next to an old French woman who pours a drink of cider/Calvados/water into their metal mugs and mess tins and enjoying the contents, 01:05:02 GIs standing guard over a score or so German prisoners in a farmyard, with one youthful prisoner made to stand up for the camera by one of his captor: the prisoner sitting next to him looks obviously unwell: standing up, he shows an injury to his left upper arm to a GI medic and his other guards: a GI engaged a group of German prisoners in conversation: close ups of their faces registering different degrees of unhappiness and uncertainty over their lot. GIs keeping watch over their captives who are seen sitting on an untidy pile of firewood looking tired and unhappy. 01:06:40 GI hands out combat rations to the German prisoners and sliced a loaf of bread for them with the help of one of the Germans who takes charge of handing out the slices to his comrades. 01:07:01 Scenes showing GId guarding a score or so German prisoners made to stand with their faces against the wall of a barn and their hands raised: the NCOs are seen being searched separately and another larger group is led away, leaving others still standing by the wall. 01:07:58 CU of the front bar of an 82nd Airborne Division jeep. Two US airborne officers belonging to the 507th Parachute Infantry Regiment  (Lt-Col Edson Raff, newly appointed CO and Lt-Col Charles J  Timmes OC 2/507PIR) in conversation after the successful conclusion of their battle to defend bridge crossings over the River Merderet, the third giving instruction to a German prisoners (only partly visible) 01:08:22 A line of GIs (90the Infantry Divisions?) passing two road signs at a crossroads (the nearest pointing to Amfreville 2 kms away and Courbesville 3.6km away) Bodies of men killed in the fighting in the Merderet valley near La Fiere awaiting collection for burial 01:09:04 Brief view of the two 82nd Airborne Division officers in conversation.German PAK 40 7.5cm anti-tank gum and the bodies of its gun crew: three French civilians collecting bodies and loading them into the back of a US Army truck. Procession of vehicles led by US Airborne troops riding on a jeep fitted with a Browning .5 calibre machine gun and two motorcyclists on Harley Davidsons. 01:09:54 Four Frenchmen collect a dead body by the roadside watched by a 90th Divsion Military Policemen, 01:10:05

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