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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250105-04
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 2000s
Country: USA
TC Begins: 16:52:40
TC Ends: 16:59:30
Duration: 00:06:50
USA Military Training - Color, 2000s: Explosives Wired & Detonated / ExplodedSoldiers w/ armored vests across leveled dirt, two carry crate; men fix detonating wire. MS Black soldier unspooling cable. Men place wired charge; CU. 16:53:36 Camera held upside down. 16:54:06 Men placing cable & charges in dirt, instructors & others watching. 16:54:24 Upside down. 16:54:52 MCU Black soldier & others watch, wait. CU taping wire as others watch. Voice calling them to pull at the same time. Three men left, two pull & leave w/ smoking fuzes / fuses behind: “two minutes remaining.” Sound of troops getting into protective area; loudspeakers w/ time warnings. 16:59:05 Explosions & black roiling smoke cloud. Quickly dissipates. Marines ; Army ;