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USA Military Training - Color, 2000s: Talon Robot & IED Destruction Training

Reel Number: 250105-02

Color: Colour

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 2000s

Country: Iraq,USA


TC Begins: 16:16:58

TC Ends: 16:32:31

Duration: 00:15:33

USA Military Training - Color, 2000s: Talon Robot & IED Destruction Training LS across leveled dirt field w/ countdown & quick explosion from several points center screen, w/ rain of dirt heard as smoke rises. 16:17:56 Countdown of ten & explosion off right edge of screen. 16:18:31 Telephoto CU of dirt during countdown & explosion in center w/ dirt falling, smoke rising from small crater. 16:19:36 Forest gravel road, MCU armored vehicle toward & passing camera w/ camera on top; large 6 x 6 6-wheel armored truck. MS parked w/ soldiers around & CU of robotic arm; crew at rear of truck unloading ??. CU of steel protection. Marine puts pan under . 16:21:37 Large heavy duty vehicles or ?? moved in yard, hydraulic extension folded along cab. Parked in line. 16:22:10 CU hands on toggle control for robotic arm; view of criver w/ telescope mounted on monopod giving instructions to man operating controls. 16:22:51 CU of video camera on robotic arm of small tracked vehicle in roadside grass, moving slowly to view package. Robot arm folded into place, camera on rear swiveled & turned; robot backs & turns. Cameraman circles w/ hand-held camera. CU markings on bomb or device. CU of robot gripper. Robot on gravel road. Moving along road & grass in edge to operator who attaches explosive charge to robot arm. 16:28:35 LS robot w/ charge & wire unspooling along road w/ operator waiting behind, robot passes camera CU. Robot camera turning & focusing on unexploded shell, turns, extends arm & places charge (no explosion seen). Improvised Explosive Device; Bomb; Robotics; Warfare; Soldiers; Troops; Safety; Dangers; NOTE: Sell card at per reel rate.

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