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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220493-02
Color: Colour
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1964,1960s
Country: USA,Vietnam
Location: Tonkin Gulf / Gulf of Tonkin
TC Begins: 10:11:12
TC Ends: 10:19:28
Duration: 00:08:16
Vietnam War - Colour, 1964: Tonkin Gulf Incident, Simulated on USS Maddox (DD-731). 13Aug64 Crew run to hatch door of 5” 54 gun mount; last man in closes hatch behind him during GQ. Front view of men to battle stations, twin rapid fire 3" gun being manned; men donning battle gear on double; director is seen in BG. CU 3" rapid fire twin mount being trained. CUs. 10:13:27 LA CU Loader loading shells into 3" gun. CU Ready shell. CU Loader loading shell as gun commences rapid fire, stops and commences again, until shells are gone. 10:15:30 Slate: Camera, Skidmore. 13Aug64. USS Maddox (DD-731) Operator on scope, man making markings on radar scope; passing information over phone, 10:16:17 CU Two men working at chart table; both men wearing phones. CU Man on radar scope, passing word over his phones. 10:17:12 CU Chief Quartermaster looking out over aviation chart, tracing route of ship thru Tonkin Gulf. Looking down over chart, showing route of MADDOX thru Tonkin Gulf. 10:18:24 HA MCU Ships doctor & hospital medic corpsman giving aid & saline solution transfusion to an engine man who collapsed from heat during attack in Tonkin Gulf - respirator is held up to man’s mouth. CU man being wiped down w/ alcohol by doctor; hospital corpsman holds respirator over mans mouth. CU Looking down over respirator over mans mouth. Naval Activity; Deception; Government Lies; Staged Fighting; Battles; Injured; NOTE: Reconstruction of misleading Tonkin Gulf Incident reportedly happening on 02-05Aug64. NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. Good Colour & action.