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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221782-08
Color: Colour
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1910s,1920s,1930s
Country: France,Mexico,USA
Location: DC,Lucasville,New York City,Ohio,Washington
TC Begins: 05:08:47
TC Ends: 05:21:32
Duration: 00:12:45
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: WWI - Misc. Scenes, 1900s, 1910s, 1920s, 1930s: USA Military & Homefront Small WW1 military biplane rolled out seen from inside airplane hanger. View of parked planes on flight line of grass airfield; pilots around planes. 05:09:01 MS Eddie Rickenbacker w/ another pilot beside aircraft; MLS Rickenbacker in cockpit, CU. 05:09:31 Rickenbacker (?) in heavy coveralls climbing into biplane seen from front, crewman turning propeller. Rickenbacker beside plane & other pilots posing, laughing. 05:10:16 Title: What Rationing Plan Means. 1917 food rationing in U.S. w/ large crowd waiting outside store, men in summertime straw hats. Interior: Policeman watching women in line at counter; w/ ration cards (?). 05:10:34 Ext. Large crowd of men in winter coats standing on sidewalk. 05:10:39 Int. military handing out packages / loaves of bread (?) from crate to men. Ext. Black & White women waiting in line outside drugstore & Red Cross station. MCU Red Cross workers & woman w/ basket of goods. Warehouse w/ tractor pulling trailers w/ crates; forkllift. 05:11:01 Washington parade, mostly women; horse drawn float followed by banner: Women Of The Bible Lands. Women in graduation gowns outdoors, pennant: Washington. Older women in black in marching units w/ pennants (suffragettes?). 05:11:47 Title re: Newton Baker, Secretary of War, draws draft numbers. Blindfolded & reaching into bowl.Draftees w/ tags carry bags past march in street past advertising billboards. Off train & into Army camp; well dressed. 05:12:45 Title: Fort DIx, N.J. (scene following too short, not usable). Battleship firing gun. 10Jun18 Battleship SMS Szent Istvan aka St. Stephens sinking, rolls over as men swimming & running over hull. 05:13:15 2 seconds slug. Ca 1905 NYC street scenes, well dressed pedestrians on sidewalk. Horse drawn carriages & streetcar. 05:13:57 not useful. 05:14:09 Cavalry & General Pershing during Mexican - American border dispute. 05:14:19 1917 superimposed over tanks. 1918 over troops in NYC victory parade. CU Pershing talking to soldier, reviewing cavalry; in car w/ ?? troops march; Pershing riding horse in NYC parade. 05:15:25 Wright Brothers monument dedication. Flight. Formation of Navy PBY Catalina planes in flight. Civil War veterans read 1901 paper re McKinley’s body... People file past porch; body carried to hearse. Statue of McKinley. 05:17:06 Thomas Edison shaking hands w/ employees 1911, CU Edison time card; Edison at microphone & w/ lighted electrical / electronic tube. CU Edison & wife. Factory chimneys; turbines inside. 05:18:31 Broadway lights / Great White Way at night ca 1931. Henry Ford, Edison cranking camera & in lab. 05:19:54 Rickenbacker & 1930s. 10:20:46 General MacArthur decorated by Pershing (?). 1910s; 1920s; 1930s; WW1 USA Homefront; WW1 Conscription; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: