WWII - 1940s, Germany: V-2 Rocket Testing
01:00:49 Rolling explanatory title re 12 million feet of captured film, etc.
01:02:06 Aerial over Peenemunde complex showing buildings & forests.
01:02:45 Intertitles over artwork: Surface-to-Surface; Air-to-Surface; Surface-to-Air; Air-to-Air; The A-5 Prototype of the V-2 Surface-to-Surface.
01:03:38 MS man moves guidance fins behind horizontal jet motor / missile on test stand.
01:04:03 CU Rocket motor firing on vertical jet motor on missile test stand; pivot shown.
01:04:27 Intertitle: The V-2 Rocket Surface-To-Surface.
01:04:44 V-2 on launch pad; ignition & rocket rising, possibly in slow motion; followed nearly out of sight.
01:05:12 High Angle / HA of launch site w/ V-2 fired & lifting off & nearly out of sight.
01:05:37 View across launch pad to V-2 & activity; MS of ?? mounted on special trailer & attached to vehicle, pan to fuel truck alongside.
01:05:49 View across launch pad w/ control system & cables in foreground. Pan along cables to armored vehicle / control center. CU controls.
01:06:08 Small rocket firing, lifting off and partially out of site.
01:06:25 Engineers & Nazy military officers walking across launch pad; inspect base of V-2 rocket; MS talking & pointing, pan to engine. Military leaving base of rocket & boarding bus.
01:06:46 Engineer holding radio-telephone at controls; LS rocket lifting off & going out of sight.
01:07:11 HA of V-2 on pad, engine started & rocket slowly falls & explodes in cloud of smoke; flames burn off fuel. Hoses spray water on fire.
01:07:39 MS hosing down remaining tail section of rocket.
01:07:45 V-2 rocket launched, camera follows and then rocket catches fire in distance, falls nose down & large explosion nearby. CU crater w/ flames burning.
01:08:28 LS Military & engineers climbing over ground next to crater. Men inspecting crater. MS of rocket engine nearby. Men searching for parts. Pan to parked & heavily damaged & burned HE-111 next to crater, CUs.
01:09:20 MCU engineer looking at rocket motor. Nazi officers talking.
01:09:30 LS V-2 motor ignition & rocket taking off, followed out of sight.
01:09:56 MLS V-2 motor ignition & rocket taking off, followed out of sight.
WW2 German Military Rocket Development Tests; 1940s; Science; Inventions; Technology; Peenemunde;
NOTE: Rockets may not all be V-2s.
NOTE: In our experience German Nazi era material is considered in the public domain throughout the world. If users feel any further clearances are necessary they are to be their own responsibility.
WWII - 1940s, Germany: V-2 Rocket Testing Titles. 01:00:49 Rolling explanatory title re 12 million feet of captured film, etc. 01:02:06 Aerial over Peenemunde complex showing buildings & forests. 01:02:45 Intertitles over artwork: Surface-to-Surface; Air-to-Surface; Surface-to-Air; Air-to-Air; The A-5 Prototype of the V-2 Surface-to-Surface. 01:03:38 MS man moves guidance fins behind horizontal jet motor / missile on test stand. 01:04:03 CU Rocket motor firing on vertical jet motor on missile test stand; pivot shown. 01:04:27 Intertitle: The V-2 Rocket Surface-To-Surface. 01:04:44 V-2 on launch pad; ignition & rocket rising, possibly in slow motion; followed nearly out of sight. 01:05:12 High Angle / HA of launch site w/ V-2 fired & lifting off & nearly out of sight. 01:05:37 View across launch pad to V-2 & activity; MS of ?? mounted on special trailer & attached to vehicle, pan to fuel truck alongside. 01:05:49 View across launch pad w/ control system & cables in foreground. Pan along cables to armored vehicle / control center. CU controls. 01:06:08 Small rocket firing, lifting off and partially out of site. 01:06:25 Engineers & Nazy military officers walking across launch pad; inspect base of V-2 rocket; MS talking & pointing, pan to engine. Military leaving base of rocket & boarding bus. 01:06:46 Engineer holding radio-telephone at controls; LS rocket lifting off & going out of sight. 01:07:11 HA of V-2 on pad, engine started & rocket slowly falls & explodes in cloud of smoke; flames burn off fuel. Hoses spray water on fire. 01:07:39 MS hosing down remaining tail section of rocket. 01:07:45 V-2 rocket launched, camera follows and then rocket catches fire in distance, falls nose down & large explosion nearby. CU crater w/ flames burning. 01:08:28 LS Military & engineers climbing over ground next to crater. Men inspecting crater. MS of rocket engine nearby. Men searching for parts. Pan to parked & heavily damaged & burned HE-111 next to crater, CUs. 01:09:20 MCU engineer looking at rocket motor. Nazi officers talking. 01:09:30 LS V-2 motor ignition & rocket taking off, followed out of sight. 01:09:56 MLS V-2 motor ignition & rocket taking off, followed out of sight. WW2 German Military Rocket Development Tests; 1940s; Science; Inventions; Technology; Peenemunde; NOTE: Rockets may not all be V-2s. NOTE: In our experience German Nazi era material is considered in the public domain throughout the world. If users feel any further clearances are necessary they are to be their own responsibility.