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Go to HomepageReel Number: 300316
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1940s
Country: Germany
Location: Peenemunde
TC Begins: 01:00:13
TC Ends: 01:10:39
Duration: 00:10:26
WWII - German Captured Aircraft & Rocket Bombs: Ar 234 Towing Rocket Bomb; Natter BP-20 aka Ba.349; Pennemunde Rocket Tests by US Military & Germans Intertitle: Arado 234 German Jet-Propelled Bomber. Drawing of Ar 234 sitting on tarmac. 01:00:31 LS & MS, pans L to R showing Ar 234 no. FZ 2O and tail number 08 w/ tow-bar to streamlined jet-propelled rocket bomb. 01:00:49 CU of towbar attachment point on Ar 234 & men checking it. 01:00:55 LS Ar 234 taking off pulling jet-propelled bomb. In flight & landing pulling jet bomb. 01:01:44 Intertitle: Natter BP-20 Viper Surface-To-Air. Bp 20, which became the German Bachem-Werke Ba.349 Natter / Viper parked on runway - various shots. 01:02:39 Cutaway drawing shows construction & pilot placement in nose. Jet engine detail drawing. 01:03:05 Aerial over Peenemunde, Germany & still photograph. 01:03:57 Intertitle: The End. 01:04:08 Men pushing large crate on tracks with wind blowing coats & sea in background. Men raise rocket mounted in metal launch structure w/ winch & cover w/ protective canvas. 01;04:58 Pan to right to show site. MS Tilt up men work preparing on rocket under canvas. CUs. o1:05:36 Men on tower w/ canvas removed; descend & military & civilians move away from rocket. 01:05:53 MS men fueling rocket. 01:06:02 LS Firing of rocket bomb fired, tracked out of sight, then explosion in sky & behind trees. 01:06:25 MS German officers & civilians on rockets remove parts of rocket from ocean. 1 01:07:14 LS of firing (snow on ground?), tracking but seen diving into water. 01:07:39 MS tower covered w/ canvas; canvas cover over frame removed from rocket bomb on launch pad. 01:08:37 LS Rocket bomb fired into air. 01:08:54 MLS men cranking winch & removing covering from rocket. 01:09:13 LS firing rocket. Then firing another which turns nose down & parachute lowers it off-shore. LS Germans in rowboats removing rocket from shallows of ocean. Post-WW2 Aviation Research; 1945ca; German Aviation; First Jet bomber; 1940s; Science; Captured Military Inventions; Technology; NOTE: First manned test flight ca Feb45 of Ba.349 resulted in death of test pilot. No other attempts were made. NOTE: Rocket firings may have been w/ US Military & captured German Military & Civilians. NOTE: In our experience German Nazi era material is considered in the public domain throughout the world. If users feel any further clearances are necessary they are to be their own responsibility.