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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250163-03
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1941,1940s
Country: Japan,Philippines,USA
Location: Hawaii,Manila,Pacific,Pearl Harbor,Philippines
TC Begins: 14:19:30
TC Ends: 14:28:42
Duration: 00:09:12
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: WWII - 1941, Pacific: Attack on Pearl Harbor; Air Patrol; Attack on Manila. Dec41 Titles. 14:20:03 Japanese Ambassador Nomuro, Special Envoy Kurusu & Secretary Hull pose on steps; to White House & leave past press. 14:20:28 Tokyo, limousine pulls up at night & Japanese military out for meeting. 14:20:48 Japanese fleet underway, formations of planes overhead. Nomuro, Kurusu leaving Sec. Hull’s office & into car, 14:21:13 Smoking hangers & plane wreckage at Pearl Harbor from water. 14:21:50 Burning sunken Battleship Arizona. 14:22:23 Ships leaving harbor w/ burning ship in background; battleship Oklahoma overturned hull. Other damaged ships; Arizona after fire had been put out, CUs from water. 14:24:47 US fleet underway; planes taking of from carrier deck; warming up on deck. POV looking rearward from plane taking off from carrier. Formation of fighters overhead. 14:25:13 Title: Dawn Patrol Over Hawaii. 14:25:18 Sunrise; pilots running out & into plane, taking off on patrol; views over clouds & in formation. 14:25:53 Title: Murder In Manila. Dec41 Streetcar, pedestrians. ROTC units w/ rifles & bayonets training in park, marching. MacArthur decorating Filipinos after Luzon fighting. Japanese dive bombers over city, people running. Traffic leaving, smoke rising from burning US naval base. Destroyed church interiors. 14:27:14 Soldiers directing traffic; wrecked houses. Burning gasoline storage near Nichols Airfield. Burned bodies & houses. 14:28:00 Philippine High Commissioner Francis Sayre SOF: talks of American soldiers & sailors going thru Hell, need supplies ASAP. WW2 Beginning; US Navy; Sneak Attack; Damage; Destruction; NOTE: VERY good quality. NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: