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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250163-06
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1942,1943,1940s
Country: Algeria,Australia,USA
Location: Maison Blanche,North Africa
TC Begins: 14:44:14
TC Ends: 14:55:55
Duration: 00:11:41
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: WWII - 1942-43, USAAF: Doolittle Awarding Medals & Citations; WAACs to Africa; Elliott Roosevelt; B-17 Aircrew in Australia X33. James Doolittle on airfield pinning medal on taller officer drops it; others wearing medals at attention watching. Doolittle gives citation papers & exchanges salutes. Walking off; Doolittle posing w/ ?? CU of medal. 14:45:20 X34 16Mar43 French Air Force presents Lt. Co. Elliott Roosevelt w/ new training plane, Maison Blanche, Algeria airport. Military officials standing beside large twin-engine over wing monoplane w/ French & American flags painted on fuselage. Glass nose & view up to cockpit. MCU ?? & Roosevelt, pan to CU flags on fuselage, on to French military officers. Plane inside hanger. 14:46:24 X35 ca 28Dec42 LS USAAF officers standing in front of large 4-motor bomber on wet airstrip / tarmac besides damaged or under construction hanger. MS Lt. Col Elliott Roosevelt at attention, receives DFC from Jimmy Doolittle, handshake - Roosevelt looking uncomfortable. 14:47:28 X36 Slate: 24Dec42 First WAACs Arrive in North Africa, Algiers. US Army staff car pulls up & 4 women officers get out. MCUs. One talking to male driver. CUs. Soldier walks past & all salute. 14:48:32 X37 General James Doollittle in front of airmen posing; takes off coat alongside plane, puts on flying jacket & climbs into fighter aircraft cockpit & puts on flying helmet; plane taxiing on wet tarmac. 14:49:30 Airmen in front of tents under Eucalyptus trees, looking at announcement board. At counter briefed over maps CUs. Men from tents w/ briefcases & small canvas bags to truck & climb in back, leave. 14:50:28 Stockpile of large bombs; men moving them & carrying to car & loading. Open crate & remove fins o assemble, truck pulling cart to airstrip. Pull bombs beneath plane & winch into bomb rack; bomb bay doors closed. Truck w/ men to airstrip & men out & walk to B-17 airplane & board in side door. Engines started & taxiing to runway. Open control tower w/ windsock. Man w/ signal light. Take off. 14:54:19 runway from in plane; pilot & co-pilot at controls. Plane overhead from runway. CUs machine gunner; motor; radioman; machine gunner. Bombardier fitting headset. Landing on return & men out door of plane WW2; Military Aviation; Reconnaissance Unit; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: