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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220831-05
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1942,1940s
Country: Burma,India,Tibet
TC Begins: 20:07:20
TC Ends: 20:10:07
Duration: 00:02:47
WWII - 1942, India: US Troops in India! Street scenes w/ American soldiers walking between small shops. Shopping for souvenirs; watch snake charmer & cobra out of basket. 20:07:43 Dock, US flag, supplies unloaded from ship move by railroad freight cars. Train load of tanks, supplies on wagons pulled by camel caravan heading across Tibet. Natives loading US military air transports. 20:08:25 British Indian troops in jungle at Burma border. Running across railroad yard, through village. Firing mortars, tommy guns. At border railroad. 20:08:57 Pan over India river, Punjab troops / Colonial troops rigging traps or mines. Cattle herded to make way for airbase. US pilots instruct Chinese cadets, into planes & POV taking off. Aerials & British bombers drop bomb. Explosions. The End w eagle symbol. WWII Military Propaganda; Supply Lines; NOTE: 20:00:02 - 20:10:07 (5 cards) will be provided at per reel rate if requested.