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WWII - 1943, Pacific: USAAF Mission To Rabaul, NE New Britain Bismarck Archipelago. Oct43

Reel Number: 250219-05

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1943,1940s

Country: Japan,Papua new Guinea,USA

Location: Pacific,Rabaul

TC Begins: 10:23:22

TC Ends: 10:33:45

Duration: 00:10:23

NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: www.footagefarm.co.uk or contact us at: Info@Footagefarm.co.uk WWII - 1943, Pacific: USAAF Mission To Rabaul, NE New Britain Bismarck Archipelago. Oct43 Aerials over Rabaul airfield, strafing planes on ground. Aerial of B-24s in flght; smoke in distance & clouds. 10:24:08 Continuous aerial of dramatic clouds. 10:24:39 Animated maps w/ bombing route shown; aerial photograph w/ ships; defensive positions. 10:25:32 Superimposed men looking up over landscapes & destroyed equipment. 10:26:05 Lt. Gen. Kenney, 5th USAAF & other officers into Intelligence hut. MS leaving. Supplies of equipment ship at dock & large bombs laid out on ground; soldier moving w/ forklift, dump trucks, stock piles of bombs. 10:27:05 Mechanics working on fighter aircraft, loading ammunition, refueling, cleaning machine guns, loading ammunition belts. aircraft nose art; fitting nose machine gun, loading various types of bombs into planes & into bomb racks. CU chalk “For Rabaul” on bomb. Bomb doors closed. 10:29:03 Briefing in front of wall map, men listen & make notes. Crew members out, by truck to planes. 10:30:38 CUa airplane engines starting; B-25s taxiing past on dirt airstrip; warming up & signaled CU for take off. 10:33:42 P-38s overhead. (abrupt end of reel) WW2; 1940s; Aircraft; Invasion Preparations; NOTE: Sold at per reel price. FOR ORDERING See: www.footagefarm.co.uk or contact us at: Info@Footagefarm.co.uk

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