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Go to HomepageReel Number: H0863-03
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1940s,1943
Country: Japan,Solomon Islands,USA
Location: Kula Gulf,Pacific,SOLOMON ISLANDS
TC Begins: 05:14:20
TC Ends: 05:24:30
Duration: 00:10:10
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: WWII - 1943, Pacific Solomon Islands: USS Helena (CL-50) Survivors on USS Honolulu & Nicholas. Jul43 MS & CUs Young sailors, survivors sit / relax on deck USS Honolulu (CL-48) amid scattered large ammunition casings. 05:15:10 High angle / HA of men in gun turret in rain w/ gun covered. 05:15:25 MCU Black survivor sleeping on deck; CU survivor drinks from bottle. MCU Survivor sleeps & CU dirty feet of survivor. 05:15:52 Unid. officers talking. 05:16:05 Tracking along deck & super-structure of USS Nicholas (DD-449). 05:16:26 Two sailors sleeping on deck. 05:16:28 MS Officer (Adm. Ainsworth?) on deck looking about w/ sailors moving in background. 05:16:40 HA Survivors debark to motor launch. SCU Adm. Ainsworth & Capt Haylor greeting & shaking hands w/ survivors. Sailors in launch. 05:17:31 CU Talker on deck. MLS USS Nicholas anchored. MS & CUs survivors down gangway, transferred. MS HS Survivors debark Honolulu (CL-48) to barge; CUs w/ beards. Men on bridge watch survivors pass on ramp. Launch pulls away. 05:19:13 MCU sailor w/ beard; tattoo; men watch from rail & from bridge as men leave ship. View of bow from above. 05;20:49 Shot from above of sailors placing ramp between 2 ships to transfer. Men watching. 05:21:17 MS Survivors put on dry clothes on deck; CU crucifix & dog tag; putting on boot / shoe w/o toe. 05:22:20 Survivors step forward, receive & given clothes. 05:22:42 MS & CU man on stretcher, leg in splint talking (MOS). 05:23;08 MS Ensign checks men as they pass. LS & MS down on ships deck w/ men sitting, talking. Sleeping. WW2; USS Radford (DD-446) ; Battle Aftermath; NOTE: Battle of Kula Gulf took place beginning 01:06 of 06Jul43, post landing on Rendova. Helena firing smokeless powder w/ visible flares was sunk by torpedos. USS Radford & Nicholas rescued over 750 sailors, w/ 168 perishing, while re-engaging Japanese naval ships of which the Amnagiri escaped & later rammed USS PT-109 of JFK fame. NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: