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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250094-08
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1943,1940s
Country: China,Philippines,USA
Location: California,New Jersey,Pacific
TC Begins: 18:47:53
TC Ends: 18:56:40
Duration: 00:08:47
WWII - 1943, USA Military Newsreel: Battle Training; Blimps Built; Pipeline Laid; Kids Camp; Filipino Regiment; Flying Tigers Intertitle: U.S. Marines Battle Japs In Pacific! 18:48:14 View from water of Marines rehearsing / practicing descending cargo nets / ropes from scaffolding into landing craft. Onto beach w/ explosions; run thru surf following tank; small tanks along beach. 18:49:08 View from ship of following troop transports in convoy. Troops on board, duffels; reading. Going ashore in Pacific Island 18:49:52 Kids chase after marching Marines. Admiral Richard Byrd with landing party, greeted by tribal chief. Unloading supplies; trucks ashore pulling trailers, jeeps following. 18:50:40 Intertitle: News From The United States. Women working on floor of large hanger gluing fabric sections of dirigible ; man at large arm sewing machine working w/ two women; women spreading liquid on surface; fill bag & inspect w/ lamps. Gondola attached. View of US Navy LTA blimp. 18:51:22 Cockpit interior w/ pilots, view above fleet. 18:51:28 Intertitle: Arkansas. Oil pumped next to large storage tanks. Walking mule. Man on platform filling railroad tank cars. 18:51:42 Large digger & laying oil pipeline from Texas to Illinois. Welders at work, wrapping pipe & lowering into ground. Filling trench. 18:52:23 Intertitle: Maine. CU sign: 48 days. MS 5 women sponsors w/ large flower bouquets. Each of five women breaking bottles; launching of one ship seen sliding down ways 18:52:58 Intertitle: New Jersey. Boys & girls outside for flag raising at vacation summer camp, kids saluting. MCU of American born children of Germans. Long shot of swimming pool, diving, buying War Stamps. 18:53:38 Intertitle: America’s First All-Filipino Army. Regiment marching, LS of field (probably Salinas, California) & MCU of Major Tirso G Fajardo . Two planes overhead in training, infantry dives for cover into foxholes under straw, climb out & run w/ bolo knives. 18:54:32 Intertitle: Flying Tigers Join U.S. Air Force In China. Three planes overhead; volunteer pilots become part of USAAF, MCUs hand shaking. CU pilot R.T. Smith in cockpit; pilot C.H. Older w/ Japanese battle flags on plane. 18:55:10 Brigadier General Claire Chennault, CU. LS looking at wall map of China. Guests present awards to airmen, MCU men holding banners. 18:55:35 Men loading supplies on C-47 ; CU bag marked Product of China loaded on aircraft. 18:55:47 Men looking at map plotting attack. Red ball raised, pilots run to jeep & planes, taking off & air to air in flight. The End. WW2; Women Workers; War Effort; Troop Training; Ethnic; Petroleum;