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WWII - 1943, USAAF Training Film: Flak Suit R2 of 2

Reel Number: 250123-05

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1943

Country: USA


TC Begins: 06:58:15

TC Ends: 07:07:04

Duration: 00:08:49

NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: www.footagefarm.co.uk or contact us at: Info@Footagefarm.co.uk Aerial from low & in front of formation of B-17 bombers past machine gun site. 06:58:38 Int. w/ machine gunner wearing flak vest / flak jacket. Attaching front to back panels, putting on & fastening, adding apron w/ snaps & waist straps & rip cord. Adjusting & putting on helmet. MS & CUs 07:00:42 View to B-17; formation w/ contrails. Flying thru ack-ack flak. 07:00:53 Montage: MCU pilot & co-pilot w/ oxygen masks & flak protection. View of turret machine gunnery looking out of small window opening. 07:01:03 Many bombers thru flak from above & below w/ fighters above. GOOD. 07:01:41 GOOD fighter plane sequence w/ GSAP & planes hit & coming past; machine gunner in bomber firing. P-38s. Fortress going down in smoke; interior machine gunner getting out of turret, gunners putting on parachutes; CU hands on controls, switches, pilot & parachute descending seen from above. GOOD. 07:03:53 Formation of bombers from above; CU motor dead, another turning; CU wing damage; view form below of partially destroyed tail; landing B-17s. 07:04:36 CU damaged tail, nose & beneath. wounded airmen helped out walking & on stretcher. CU wounds & damaged flak jacket. 07:05:29 Injured in hospital bed told / SOF: “you’ll be going on leave in a couple of days, aren’t you glad you wore your flak suit? “Boy am I, just look at it. And look at these plates here, and all I’ve got to show is a little tattoo mark.” 07:05:51 Photographs of damaged flak suits, reports of injuries /damage. 07:06:15 Brigadier General Malcolm C. Grow, SOF: “Our records are full of cases where the body armor has saved lives & if all these men could talk to you they’d say the same as Sgt Bockwell does.” “Yes, General, and what Sgt Bockwell says the difference between this (medal), and this (grave markers in cemetery), is this (airman w/ flak suit in plane). 07:06:44 B-17 bomber taxiing & taking off w/ ground crew on bicycles waving. 1943 USAAF Training Film; Military Educational Film; 1940s; Safety; Body Protection; Body Armor; Flak Suit; WWII; WW2; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: www.footagefarm.co.uk or contact us at: Info@Footagefarm.co.uk

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