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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250138-05
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1940s
Country: China,Japan,USA
Location: Bolling Field,Chongqing,Chungking,DC,Pacific,Washington
TC Begins: 12:39:59
TC Ends: 12:51:58
Duration: 00:11:59
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: WWII - 1943/1942, Pacific: Arnold in China; Arnold Distinguished Service Medal; Doolittle’s Tokyo Raid Ca. March, 1943: General Arnold, Sir John Dill, Chenault & Stilwell greeted by Chinese Army Chief of Staff, Gen. Ho Ying Chin, & staff at Chunking Airport. Pan group. CU Gen. Arnold & Dill at attention, saluting Chinese officers behind. MS Arnold & Dill followed by Chinese military VIPs inspect honor guard, inspection tour. 12:40:45 CU Gen. Arnold, Stilwell & Chinese General in front of cars. MCU pan L to R Gen. Ho-Ying-Chin, Arnold, Stilwell, & staff ending on Chenault. 12:41:04 MS Gen. Arnold w/ others crossing pontoon bridge & up river bank. 12:41:53 CU Chinese & US officers talk in front of building & cars, pose. 12:42:46 MS B-24 landing at Bolling Field, DC after record flight from Brisbane, Australia. Gen. Arnold waves from door of C-87 transport. CU. 29Sep42 MS Assistant War Secretary Robert Lovett pins Distinguished Service Medal on Arnold. CU medal. MS Gen. Marshall congratulating Arnold. CU Gen. Arnold at mic speaking MOS. 12:43:28 Title: Doolittle’s Own Story of Raid On Tokyo! White House Oval Office: President Roosevelt pins Congressional Medal of Honor on Gen. Doolittle. Watching are Doolittle's wife, Gen. Arnold & Marshall. CU medal. Camera pans up to smiling face of Doolittle. CU Arnold & Doolittle at desk. CU Doolittle reporting MOS. Aerials of 3 B-29s; CU bomb release switch being pulled; bombs falling; target area w/ large fires, smoke rising. CU SV bombs being released from aircraft. MCU cruiser after bombing, burning. Arnold & Doolittle talking, MOS / mute. 12:46:15 Title: They Bombed Tokyo. CU Gen. Doolittle; MS along line of crew members as Gen. Arnold decorates w/ CU medal, Distinguished Flying Cross. CU couple of crew members speak to camera MOS. 12:46:52 Title: Tokio Raid Revelation - Japanese Murders of U. S. Flyers Arouse Nation! MS SV of aircraft carrier Hornet (CV-8) w/ planes on deck in stormy seas. SV of escort ship plowing thru water. MS Deck scene w/ aircraft on deck. CU 500 lb bombs moved across deck Attaching pre-war Japanese medal to bomb. Pan air crew members. LS patrol boat. CU Battleship guns fire & sink patrol boat. 12:48:17 CU Gen. Halsey at ship table pointing to location on map. CU Halsey. MS Hornet deck w/ parked aircraft. CU crew members turning propellers on B-25 & preparations, takeoffs from the Hornet 18Apr42. 12:49:51 CU Chinese man holding poster, winks at camera. CU Madam Chiang Kai-shek pinning medals on some of crew who parachuted to Chinese soil. CU Madam Chiang Kai-shek. 12:50:09 MS long line of crew members as Gen. Arnold decorates w/ Distinguished Flying Cross. ECU medal. CU Gen. Doolittle. MS Tojo & civilian Japanese VIPs. MS Gen. Arnold at desk, speaks MOS. 12:51:01 News Conference w/ reporters. MCU of Ted Lawson & Harold Watson. 12:51:41 Patriotic montage. WW2 USAAF; Military Award Ceremony; Record Breaking Flight; NOTE: LACKING SOUND TRACK. Sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING see: or contact us at: