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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250040-11
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1944
Country: England,United Kingdom
TC Begins: 07:11:40
TC Ends: 07:20:49
Duration: 00:09:09
WWII - 1944, 9th USAAF Units in England Inspected by Assistant Sec. for War John J McCloy, Apr44 Motorcade arriving; military officers out from brick building, following ?? off camera. 07:12:12 Motorcade arriving on small road. Officers beside airfield w/ fighter planes. 07:12:40 McCloy & officers watch from control tower; officers standing by limousines. Party to cars, leaving. 07:13:12 Airmen at mapping table under canvas. 07:13:26 Officers / pilots on stand receiving awards. everyone smiling leaving past camouflage nets over trucks. 07:13:54 McCloy & officers along road on airfield to airmen, handshaking in front of bomber, ground crew & others. McCloy looking at plane as airman works on ?? 07:15:01 McCloy’s party on tower, leaving in cars. 07:15:22 Party looking at Mosquito plane. Watching from control tower. At car. Cars leaving along runway, plane taxiing in distance. 07:16:50 B-26 inspected; men walk past ?? to row of ambulance jeeps. Motorcade along gravel drive & inspection party enters quonset hut. 07:19:01 Fighter planes in front of hanger inspected. 07:19:38 Twin-engine B26 bombers on runway inspected. Other shots of group & troops waiting arrival. Secretary of War; 1944;