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WWII - 1944, France: USAAF 9th Marauders; Le Lude, 21Nov44

Reel Number: 250174-08

Color: Black and White

Sound: SIL

Year / Date: 1944,1940s

Country: France,South Africa,USA

Location: Le Lude,Loir River

TC Begins: 13:01:43

TC Ends: 13:10:24

Duration: 00:08:41

NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: www.footagefarm.co.uk or contact us at: Info@Footagefarm.co.uk WWII - 1944, France: USAAF 9th Marauders; Le Lude, 21Nov44 453rd Bomb Squadron, 323 Bomb Group Air & ground crew posing in front of Truman’s Folly w/ bombing missions marked on nose of B-26, men gather life vests & prepare to board. 13:02:07 Aerial of formation against clouds flying l. to r.; over land; over clouds. 13:02:44 Many bombs falling from camera plane, passing over land, bombs exploding & smoke rising w/ fire. 13:03:48 Bombs falling & flare dropped . Explosions. View from above B-26 formation; MCU B-26 l. to r. 13:04:57 Bombs falling & explosions around river bridge, many craters around each end, smoke rising. 13:05:35 Formation of B-26 below over clouds, l. to r. leaving across coastline. 13:05:57 CU gunner putting on leather helmet, at machine gun. 13:06:20 Bombs falling over large town / city. Explosions. Distance. 13:06:48 CU machine gunner throwing flares or ?? out door w/ string-like ignition fuze. 13:07:02 MCU B-26 l. to r. from right front & above. 13:07:59 High above B-26 crossing heavily cratered coastline / cliffs. 13:08:14 Above three B-26 Marauders above cumulous clouds, l. to r. bombs dropping into clouds; formation l. to r. above clouds. 13:09:08 Black. 13:09:21 View from light plane very low over tree tops. 13:09:37 B-26 l. to r. from above water into & above clouds. Alongside & above formation WW2; Bombing Missions; NOTE: Truman’s Folly flew 177 missions. Le Lude is on Loir River (not the Loire) NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: www.footagefarm.co.uk or contact us at: Info@Footagefarm.co.uk

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