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WWII - 1944, France, Normandy: Medical Personnel

Reel Number: 300389

Color: Black and White

Sound: SIL

Year / Date: 1944

Country: England,France,United Kingdom,USA

Location: Cotentin peninsula,English Channel,Normandy,St Come du Mont,Weymouth

TC Begins: 01:00:00

TC Ends: 01:11:10

Duration: 00:11:10

US medical personnel caring for German and US battle casualties and reinforcements arriving in the Ste Mere-Eglise sector to relieve airborne units holding this sector of the Allied beachhead in Normandy. 01:00:04 Field hospital established in the grounds of a French chateau near St Come du Mont showing two ex-Red Army Mongolians pressed into service with the German army with other German soldiers in US custody who are seen helping to carry patients on stretchers. 01:00:23 US doctor inside a tent removing  the dressing from the wound on a casualty’s back, beckons at somebody off screen and smiling at the camera. GI from the 101st “Screaming Eagles” Airborne Division with a bandaged facial injury carrying a fellow GI who has been badly wounded: medics binding up the head wound on another casualty: a medic taking down the details of an airborne trooper with his right arm in a sling: a dozen or so German prisoners assigned by their US captors with the task of helping their own wounded jump from the back of a GMC truck 01:01:12 10th June 1944 (or after?) showing Major-General J Lawton Collins, 7th US Corps commander, talking to Lt-General Courtney M Hodges, a three star general and deputy commander of the 1st US Army (seen here standing upright in his M20 command car) and standing with two of his subordinate commanders,  Major-General Eugene M Landrum (centre), GOC 90th Division, and Major-General Manton S Eddy (the talker figure on the right), commander of 9th Division. US war correspondent converses with Brigadier-General Theodore Roosevelt, commanding officer of 8th US Infantry Regiment, who is filmed sitting in the passenger seat of his jeep “Rough Rider.” 01:02:02 A tracking shot filmed from a jeep along a road past two lines of GIs of the 90th Infantry Division marching along with their weapons carried on their shoulders - a motorcycle despatch rider overtakes the camera vehicle: a French woman watching the GIs marching past with her family steps forward to present individual soldiers with flowers. Glimpses of two dead German soldiers lying in undergrowth. Field hospital seen from 01:00;04 to 01:01:12 showing GI medics unfastening the ties binding two battle casualties on stretchers carried  on the back of the jeep and carry them into a tent for first aid: one of the injured men has blood plasma attached: an airborne trooper poses for the camera with his right arm in a sling, 01:03:02 Casualties lying out in the open on stretchers, a 101st Airborne Division casualty tries to raise a smile for the camera: Dodge ambulances line up to collect the casualties lying in the open air fir evacuation back to England. 01:03:19 French children and older members lining the route to greet men serving with the 90th Division military police detachment and wave at the camera. Tracking shot showing GIs from the 90th Division filing into the centre of Ste Mere-Eglise towards its church: a parachute snagged by the branches of a tree. 01:03:47 Field hospital established by 101sr Airborne Division in the grounds of a chateau near St Come du Mont showing German prisoners and able-bodies airborne troopers carrying battle casualties on stretchers while numerous injured men lying under blankets on stretchers wait to be evacuated to England: a GI medic helps a 101st Airborne Division casualty able to walk on his own into the back of a  truck to join other walking wounded from his division: two wounded German soldiers lying on stretchers on the ground, one with his right arm bandaged up and in a sling. 01:04:10 Tracking shot from a moving jeep through the archway entrance into the chateau now serving as a US field hospital and past a line of ambulance jeeps and a large white panel decorated with a Red Cross to identify the location to enemy pilots as a hospital with lots of activity going on. US paratroopers embark for their mass nighttime drop in the Cotentin peninsula in the final hours before the start of D Day. “B 505” Cameraman’s slate “Ohio Photog - Bates Date / /44 Roll 1  Subject -Invasion” 01:04:31 Arfield in southern England (possibly Greenham Common)  In eve of D Day showing paratroopers  from 101st Airborne Division silhouetted against the evening sky marching to their C47 Skytrain transport aircraft. With daylight gone, the shadowy silhouettes of men on the move 01:05:32 Cameraman’s slate for Roll 2. Silhouettes of US paratroopers donning parachute backpacks by one C47. 01:06:34 Very brief distant glimpse of C47s in flight towing Hadrian gliders. First US casualties from France returning to England and US transport aircraft flying over the English Channel to Normandy. “B 503” Weymouth on D plus One or a but later showing GI medics loading a battle casualty on a stretcher onto a US Army Dodge ambulance and US Navy and US Coast Guard personnel from invasion craft dunk during the D Day landings filing ashore wearing blankets and borrowed clothes. 01:07:16 A distant stream of C47s bound for Normandy. 01:08:38 Distant views of the stream of C47s flying to Normandy - funnels and masts of ships at anchor and Portland Bill. 01:09:07 Camera slate “Special Cov. Unit. Gliders P. Ridcell 6-6-44 Roll 4”. British-built Airspeed Horsa troop- and cargo-carrying gliders painted in US markings. Horsa glider being towed along runway: a change of angle to reveal the Horsa!s starboard wing and numerous C47 Skytrain transport aircraft parked at dispersal on the airfield. A brief glimpse of a US glider pilot stepping backwards out of a Horsa glider.

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