Reel Number: 220662-02
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1944,1940s
Country: Japan,Papua new Guinea,Solomon Islands,USA
Location: Bougainville,Empress Augusta Bay airfield aka Torokino,Pacific,SOLOMON ISLANDS
TC Begins: 10:09:42
TC Ends: 10:19:35
Duration: 00:09:53
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: WWII - 1944, Pacific, Bougainville: Torokino Airfield Activity; 05Apr44 US Shelling Bougainville Small Vouight F4U Corsair (?) monoplanes taking off on wet airstrip. 10:10:13 Signaler / signalman w/ light. 10:10:23 C-47 aircraft taking off towards ships in harbor. High Angle / HA airfield activity; MS C-47 being refueled. Ground crew / mechanics working on engine. MS & CUs. 10:11:37 C-47 transport parking & shutting down engines. C47s landing, doors open & soldiers unload supplies into truck. 10:12:35 Men in pith helmets standing, smoking w/ unloading in background. Loaded truck slowly leaves. 10:12:57 Slug. 10:13:01 Slate: 05Apr44 Sgt. D.J. Buckley R1 US Navy Destroyers Shelling Jap Positions, On Bougainville. 10:13:02 Men in sandbagged position on shore watching w/ telescope; smoke from explosions in trees & on beach nearby; men in dug-in sandbagged positions. 10:14:07 Slate: same R2. Explosions & smoke continues. CU man w/ walkie talkie looking along beach; explosions in trees. 10:15:07 Slate: same R3. LS from beach to destroyer firing. Sand & barbed wire & netting on beach, explosions nearby. 10:16:14 Slate: same R4. Explosion seen thu beach netting. Dark. MS soldier holding walkie talking looking thru binoculars. 10:17:00 Soldier w/ cigarette in sandbagged position on talking on radiotelephone & looking thru telescope. CU. 10:17:18 Slug. 10:17:22 Slate: 161st Sig Photo C G-8 Artillery. Camera: Bushnell R1. MS One star general out of jeep & w/ other officers walking around jungle camp. 10:17:47 General looking at distant hills thru binoculars. Talking & pointing at clouds on peaks w/ officers also looking. Crouches down & group seen from front in MS. GOOD. 10:18:18 MS high angle, group of 9 standing talking. 10:18:29 Slate: Bushnell. Man at binocular spotting scope; other men taking notes. CU General. MS General sitting on sandbags talking to two soldiers, looking inside sandbagged tent. WW2; Pacific War; 1940s; Solomon Islands; Fighting; Battles; Marines; NOTE: Partial or entire sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: