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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220509-03
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL and SD
Year / Date: 1944,1940s
Country: Germany,USA,USSR
Location: NYC,Washington, DC, Airport
TC Begins: 01:15:59
TC Ends: 01:22:25
Duration: 00:06:26
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: WWII - 1944, Post-War Planning: USSR Diplomat Interviewed, Apr44; Walter Winchell Newscast MLS Si. Russian / USSR delegate, probably arriving for Dumbarton Oaks Conference ca Apr44, down steps from ATC plane followed by US military officers, met by journalists. Repeated, MS. 01:16:43 SOF MS Journalist: “What about Germany, your excellency? What do you think the Soviet attitude will be toward about the dividing up of Germany? 01:16:58 SOF Soviet: “Partition is not the main problem. The Allies should control Germany’s key industries & just take away its economic power to wage war...” Multiple takes, CUs & angles. 01:19:45 Black. 01:19:50 MS Walter Winchell at NBC Blue mic reading news, SOF: “The military ? of the Germany General Staff has become the Hitler death watch. Tonight the criminal headquarters of the world are watching the map of the world shrink to the size of a hangman’s noose. They know that Patton, Bradley & Zuckoff are doing more than revealing the weakness of the German army. They are uncovering the evidence of the greatest crime in history. A Japanese prison is a summer resort compared to a Gestapo concentration camp. But until these crimes are punished there will be no world peace. (edit) remains your New York correspondent Walter Winchell who believes that any American who worries about our being too cruel to the Nazis should first visit the wounded in the nearest military hospital. And anyone who thinks we should think twice before punishing any German should think once of the millions of women & children the Germans have starved & mutilated.” 01:20:52 Repeat closer & slightly different ending statement “...but until these crimes are punished there will be no world peace. Germany’s last stand will not be on a battlefield but will be a cringing plea for mercy. And so I remain your New York Correspondent Walter Winchell...” 01:21:53 “...these are hard facts Ladies & Gentlemen, but war itself is a whole lot harder. Louder than the roar of Europe’s cannon tonight is the mute testimony of 20,000,000 skeletons who would still be men tonight except for Adolf Hitler; they are past saving. But until these crimes are punished there will be no world peace...” Radio Newscast; Diplomacy; Predictions; Post-WW2; Post-WWII; NOTE: Adequate track quality & good picture quality. Partial or entire sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: