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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221268-11
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1945,1940s
Country: Germany,USA,USSR
Location: Elb River,Torgau
TC Begins: 19:44:41
TC Ends: 19:54:21
Duration: 00:09:40
WWII - 1945, Germany: US - Soviet Meeting, Torgau, Germany. 27Apr45 LIB 6141 Small ferry crossing Elbe River as people watch from both banks. Woman sitting on tractor on shore. Army truck on ferry. Bridge collapsed in river seen. Russian soldiers w/ boxes. People w/ goods & belongings arriving at riverbank. US soldiers watching. Ambulance arrives. Russian troops w/ horses across on ferry. Horses led off. Ride off up road. 19:47:40 US military ambulance drives onto ferry. Russians dancing to drum & accordion; Russian soldiers clapping. 19:48:38 Russian soldiers on horseback & others standing by riverside. MCU. US jeep across on ferry, drives off. US flag carried. Horses off ferry & riders mount, ride off up hill. Family w/ carts resting in field. Unloading cart of possession for family. Allied officers and troops arriving, greeting. CU moving horses on ferry. 19:51:36 Russian & US medics exchange helmets & hats sitting in jeep w/ large Red Cross flag on it. Drive off up hill. Drunk (?) in civilian clothes carrying rabbit. Refugees w/ belongings across on ferry w/ camera & CUs as soldiers pull cable. WW Allied Troops; Soviets; Pre-Cold War; Hare; Refugees; European Displaced Persons; Friendship;