WWII - 1945, USA: Truman Visits Washington State; Ike to Kansas; Jap Suicide Planes
Title: President On Tour. Truman off plane & shakes hands w/ Washington state governor Monrad Wallgren; enters governor’s mansion. Truman’s secretary Charles Ross holds press conference; on steps of Capital building decorates John D Hawk w/ Congressional Medal of Honor, CUs. Presdent fishing in small boat on Puget Sound, holds fish. Visits Mount Rainier National Park. POV on snowy road in motorcade; throws snowball outside lodge.
05:17:20 Title: Eisenhower Honored By Home Town. Ike off plane in uniform greeted by his mother; walks w/ wife. Planes fly over flags, Riding standing in convertible waving; sitting in reviewing stand watching parade. Standing waving, CU five-star flag in breeze.
05:18:19 Title: Jap Suicide Pilots Strike U.S. Carriers. Aircraft carrier, fighter pilots overhead; GSAP of twin-engine being pursued wing flies off; strafing small tanker & harbor. Strafing planes parked on airfield. Rockets fired at factories.
05:19:03 Small aircraft carrier; plane landing on deck crashing into another & going off front of deck. Anothr landing plane off side of ship & into air. Plane lands & belly tank catches on fire. Pilot struggles to get out, firemen run hoses, pilot jumps clear.
05:20:06 LS suicide planes, flak & crashes into water; guns firing; plane straight down into water, others hit & pieces into water.
05:20:59 Plane hits Bunker Hill, second plane & heavy fires burning. Crewmen rescue, stretchers on deck. Fire fought from cruiser USS Wilkes Barre, CL-103. Men in water rescued. Fire fighting. Stretchers on deck & burial at sea.
05:22:21 Damaged Bunker Hill w/ twisted deck plates at Bremerton, Washington shipyard for repairs. CUs of damage w/ sailors inspecting. Battle flags for plane kills & sunken ships.
WW2 Homefront; Navy Fighting; Pacific Battle; 1940s;
Sold at per reel rate.
WWII - 1945, USA: Truman Visits Washington State; Ike to Kansas; Jap Suicide Planes Title: President On Tour. Truman off plane & shakes hands w/ Washington state governor Monrad Wallgren; enters governor’s mansion. Truman’s secretary Charles Ross holds press conference; on steps of Capital building decorates John D Hawk w/ Congressional Medal of Honor, CUs. Presdent fishing in small boat on Puget Sound, holds fish. Visits Mount Rainier National Park. POV on snowy road in motorcade; throws snowball outside lodge. 05:17:20 Title: Eisenhower Honored By Home Town. Ike off plane in uniform greeted by his mother; walks w/ wife. Planes fly over flags, Riding standing in convertible waving; sitting in reviewing stand watching parade. Standing waving, CU five-star flag in breeze. 05:18:19 Title: Jap Suicide Pilots Strike U.S. Carriers. Aircraft carrier, fighter pilots overhead; GSAP of twin-engine being pursued wing flies off; strafing small tanker & harbor. Strafing planes parked on airfield. Rockets fired at factories. 05:19:03 Small aircraft carrier; plane landing on deck crashing into another & going off front of deck. Anothr landing plane off side of ship & into air. Plane lands & belly tank catches on fire. Pilot struggles to get out, firemen run hoses, pilot jumps clear. 05:20:06 LS suicide planes, flak & crashes into water; guns firing; plane straight down into water, others hit & pieces into water. 05:20:59 Plane hits Bunker Hill, second plane & heavy fires burning. Crewmen rescue, stretchers on deck. Fire fought from cruiser USS Wilkes Barre, CL-103. Men in water rescued. Fire fighting. Stretchers on deck & burial at sea. 05:22:21 Damaged Bunker Hill w/ twisted deck plates at Bremerton, Washington shipyard for repairs. CUs of damage w/ sailors inspecting. Battle flags for plane kills & sunken ships. WW2 Homefront; Navy Fighting; Pacific Battle; 1940s; Sold at per reel rate.