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WWII - Color, 1940s, US Navy Aerials: Fighting Lady Outtakes, SBD & SB2C Planes In Flight Over Pacific

Reel Number: 250059-01

Color: Colour

Sound: SIL

Year / Date: 1940s

Country: USA

Location: Pacific

TC Begins: 20:00:08

TC Ends: 20:07:30

Duration: 00:07:22

NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: www.footagefarm.co.uk or contact us at: Info@Footagefarm.co.uk WWII - Color, 1940s, Pacific Aerials: US Navy SBD & SB2C Planes In Flight Douglas SBD Dauntless dive bombers in flight. 20:00:36 Formation of 12 SBDs overhead. Formation of 6 SBDs in flight from above over water (blue & green). 20:01:22 Formation of SBDs in flight over water above submarine underway near coastline (green water). Coastline; mountains in BG; clouds above (good). Aerials from camera plane of SBDs in flight. 20:02:43 MS SB2Cs in flight formation passing toward & below camera plane. MCU Flight of SB2Cs, camera pans across. MCU SB2C flying wing on camera plane. 20:03:46 MCU 3 SB2Cs flying tight formation over water. MCU SB2C flying wing on camera plane. 20:04:09 MCU Formation of 3 SB2Cs; camera pans to 3 more SB2Cs. MCU Formation of 3 SB2Cs in flight. 20:04:54 PAN Formation of 6 SB2Cs in flight (2 views). MCU formation of 6 SB2Cs in flight. 20:05:11 PAN Formation of 9 SB2Cs. Same (camera beneath). MS Formation of 6 SB2Cs in flight. MS Formation of 12 SB2Cs in flight. LS Formation of 12 SB2Cs in flight. Clouds and water below flight of 12 SB2Cs. 20:06:40 MCU Very blue sky behind 3 SB2Cs (beautiful shot, SV). 20:07:13 MS SB2Cs belly as plane pulls out of dive. WW2; Naval Aircraft; Fighter Planes; Fighting Lady Outtakes; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: www.footagefarm.co.uk or contact us at: Info@Footagefarm.co.uk

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