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Go to HomepageReel Number: H1377-06
Color: Colour
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1944
Country: Northern Mariana Islands,USA
Location: Marianas,Pacific,Saipan
TC Begins: 03:33:41
TC Ends: 03:43:27
Duration: 00:09:46
WWII - Color, 1944, Saipan, Marianas: Destroyed Airstrip & Planes; Black Marines; Grenades & Dead. 02-12Jul44 Pan wrecked buildings, bulldozer in street, marines watching. 03:33:56 HS Officers piped aboard ship (USS Indianapolis?) 40mm guns; ammunition hoisted from hold & loaded on smaller ship. HS Men handle shell cases. 03:35:02 Pan Wrecked hangars, Japanese planes. 03:35:51 Pan many dead Japanese on beach. MS marines inspecting bodies on sand & in water. 03:36:24 CU airplane motor. Pan wrecked Jap bombers; buildings & houses around airstrip. 03:37:45 CU heavily decomposed body. Wreckage of Jap equipment in fields. 03:38:32 MS Black African-American Marines w/ oxcart, drive off. 03:38:52 MS Marines pose w/ large Japanese flag.1 03:39:06 Shipboard moving ammunition between ships. Officers arrive on ship. 03:39:46 Pan wrecked buildings & aircraft on airstrip. 03:40:26 Black. 03:40:37 Pan wreckage of buildings & equipment. 03:40:49 Marines w/ rifles drawn looking at brush. 03:41:11 Tank / LVTA w/ flame-thrower out of surf. 03:41:18 MS dead body. 03:41:22 Marines fire grenade rifle ; toss grenade, hit ground, big explosion. Pan dead Japanese, many bodies on beach. More explosions. Tank w/ flame-thrower burning brush. GOOD. 03:42:07 Marines move up along beach from above, destroyed tanks in water; hit ground, grenades explode & marines stand up, rifles raised. Bodies. WW2 Pacific Islands; Fighting; Battles; Horrors of War; Rebuilding; NOTE: GOOD color & coverage.