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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250022-11
Color: Colour
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1945,1940s
Country: Japan,USA
Location: Hawaii,Pacific,Pearl Harbor
TC Begins: 18:54:05
TC Ends: 19:01:29
Duration: 00:07:24
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: WWII - Color, 1945, USA: USS Skate (SS-305) At Sea & Dock, 04Jul45 MCU Man swimming in debris picking up papers for reference & helped from water. 18:54:24 LS from conning tower toward sunset. 18:54:45 LS Submarine in squadron formation on surface. Plane overhead. 18:55:18 Slate: Photographer Southwick. USS Skate. 18:55:24 MCU PBY overhead; seen flying beyond bridge w/ sailors & binoculars on lookout. Repeat over submarines. Submarines moving on surface. 18:56:39 Slate: as above plus 04Jul45. 18:56:40 MCU Bridge w/ officers firing signal flares. GOOD. MCUs. 18:57:08 Shot from bridge to bow of sub as it comes alongside dock & others subs & sailors. 18:57:48 Slate: same. CU flags in wind blowing (flags of Japanese ships sunk?). Bow show of sub following three others. CU men on bridge. Subs in formation; men firing flare signal pistols. White arcs of signals against bright blue sky. 18:58:55 Slate: same. MS Conning tower on submarine, just arrived in Pearl Harbor port, flying flags of ships they have sunk. 18:59:01 CU Officers coming on board & greetings; MCU talking. 19:00:11 MCU Bearded sailors getting packages at mail call. 19:00:30 MCU Three Japanese prisoners coming out of submarine; walking to dock 19:01:21 MS of crew sitting on sub. WW2; NOTE: After Seventh War Patrol (11Apr-04Jul45) to Sea of Japan & sinking one submarine & three cargo ships off Nanto Peninsula. NOTE: accompanying sound does not relate to visuals. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: