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Go to HomepageReel Number: H1344-12
Color: Colour
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1969
Country: USA,Vietnam
TC Begins: 11:39:11
TC Ends: 11:50:10
Duration: 00:10:59
NOTE: to order see: or contact us at: Vietnam War - Color, 1969: USS New Jersey (BB-62) Firing Guns & 500th Helicopter Landing, Last Line Period Off Vietnam, 20-24Mar69 Slate: Camera: Petersen, 20Mar69. CCG Proj: 126-69. USS New Jersey (BB-62) Last Line Period. 11:39:28 HA MS Gun Director officer in gun director at edge of ship, director swinging around. PAN left to twin mount guns. HA MS Gun director officer in director, w/ phones. HA MS 5" guns training over starboard side; both guns firing; part of gun director in left FG; smoke drifts off to BG. 11:40:17 HA CU over 5" twin mount firing both guns, water in BG. 11:40:27 CU & MS to horizong of ship’s wake. CU Looking down over sun-speckled water passing under ship'd bow. CU Looking down into sun- speckled water, tilt up across sea, horizon in BG. Looking down. 11:41:58 Slate: Same, 22Mar69. 11:42:12 HA MS Turret No. 2 turning inboard; HA MCU center gun barrel raises, coastline of Vietnam in mid BG; round is fired, gun is depressed; tilt down w/ gun. Repeating firing several of three gun barrels. 11:43:43 Firing No. 1 guns. 11:44:41 HA CU Radar antenna on gun director, tilt down to gun director officer sitting on top of gun director w/ his phone. 11:44:52 Slate: same. 22Mar69. 11:45:03 HA MS Elevated 16" gun firing; huge amount of brown smoke & flame filling scene, drifting off to left. 11:45:50 CU Ship's journalist obtaining pilot's name & talking w/ him, while he is still in cockpit of Army UH-1DD on deck of NEW JERSEY. Pilot climbs out of helicopter & signing form. 11:46:25 CU Rear view, two pilots walking over deck, several officers & men of ship in mid BG; PAN right, photographer places pilot posing next to 'copter for photo; trains speedgraphic on pilot; pilot shaking hands w/ CAPT J. E. SNYDER, C.O. of NEW JERSEY in front of ‘copter. 11:46:52 Large crowd of ship's crew poiing next to 'copter; two ship's cooks come into scene with a large cake & pose in MCU, carry cake off. 11:47:18 Slate: same, 24Mar69. 11:47:28 CU Ship's reporter talks w/ ‘copter co-pilot (this is the 500th 'copter landing aboard NEW JERSEY); PAN to an unidentified officer. CU thru view finder of speedgraphic; looking over shoulder of photographer. LA MS UH-1D on deck of ship, main rotor engaged; ship's crane in BG; MS UH1D, w/ crew & lifting off from deck, out over port side. MLS, UH1D on fly- by to right past Coast Guard Patrol Boat. 11:48:51 HA CU Ship's officer closing small hatch on a weather deck compartment; officer & two men walk towards lifeline w/ two CG boats tied to ship receiving fresh water. MCU crewmen aboard one of the Coast Guard Cutters; PAN right, words "Coast Guard" painted on side of a cabin. 11:49:46 HA MCU Vietnamese military aboard Coast Guard Cutter, along w/ U.S. personnel. MCU two Coats Guard officers chatting on deck of Patrol Boat. Naval Activity; Navy Ships; Battle; Fighting; NOTE: Very good color & quality. NOTE: to order see: or contact us at: