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Major General John A Samford’s Statement on Flying Saucers

Reel Number: H2187-05

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1952

Country: USA

Location: DC,pentagon,Washington

TC Begins: 04:11:15

TC Ends: 04:15:55

Duration: 00:04:40

Major General John A Samford’s Statement on Flying Saucers Slate. 29Jul52. Tilt up to doughnut shaped piece of cloth suspended by a wire. 04:11:28 CU, Gen Samford, USAF Intelligence Chief, behind three microphones. I am here to discuss the so-called flying saucers. The Air Force interest in this problem has been due to our feeling of an obligation to identify & analyze to the best of our ability anything in the air that may have the possibility of threat or menace to the United States. In pursuit of this obligation since 1947 we have received & analyzed between one & two thousand report...the great bulk of them explain them to our own satisfaction. We have been able to explain them as hoaxes, erroneously identified aircraft, as meteorological or electronic phenomenon or light aberrations. 04:13:00 Goes on to say that there have been a certain percentage of credible observations but there is not pattern or measurement for analysis. His conclusions are that they represent no threat to the United States. 04:14:20 He adds that flying saucers are not the result of a secret development by any US agency. Repeats. 04:15:04 A civilian seated at the desk is addressed by off-screen interrogator as Major Kehoe and queried on the origin of his book, "Flying Saucers Are Real". Kehoe states his belief that "flying saucers are of inter-planetary origin and cites a report of pilots who encountered the objects. UFO; 1950s; 1952; Outer Space

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