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Go to HomepageReel Number: H1691-02
Color: Colour
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1968
Country: USA,Vietnam
Location: KHE SANH
TC Begins: 14:10:31
TC Ends: 14:14:32
Duration: 00:04:01
Vietnam War - 1968, Aircraft & Leathernecks At Khe Sanh Come Under Bombardment By North Vietnamese Mortar Fire, Mar68. Pan sandbagged Marine fortification at Khe Sanh. Men digging, building cribbing & filling sandbags. 14:10:59 Marines take cover in trenches. C-130 Hercules plane moving on landing strip, turning & dropping fuel from wing tip. Explosions very close by. Plane taxiis. Heavily damaged helicopter smoking; marines on ground close by. Marines running carrying wounded on stretcher. Ambulance leaving. 14:12:40 C-130 dropping supplies by parachutes at low level. Men hooking wire coils, bundles of crates & lifted by Marine Chinook helicopter. 14:13:27 C-130 Hercules supply plane on runway unloading from rear. Welding or cutting on runway; lifted piece & dumping fill into crater. 14:13:55 Marines run to waiting C-130 plane & board from rear; other off. Boarding other planes & taking off. Fighting; Battles; NOTE: Battle of Khe Sanh ca 21Jan-08Apr68.