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Go to HomepageReel Number: H1875-05
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1964
Country: USA,Vietnam
Location: Saigon
TC Begins: 08:12:29
TC Ends: 08:23:59
Duration: 00:11:30
1964 - Color, Vietnam War: USS Oklahoma City (CLG-5), 7th Fleet Flagship, Enroute & Docking in Saigon. Jul64 Slate: illegible. MS Shipboard, crewmen carrying sand bag on shoulder, to base of turret among others. 08:13:18 CU Man using scraper, clearing away rust on windlass. CU Man’s face. 08:13:39 Slate: 18Jul64. MS Crewman firing M-1 rifle over side; others in BG; supervising officer. 08:13:53 CU 45 automatic in hand of crewman. CU Gunner’s mate instructing crewman its use; firing. 08:14:51 Slate: illegible. CU Marine machine gun crew firing light 30 cal. machine gun over side of ship; CU Marines sighting M-1 rifles over sandbags. 08:15:50 Slate: Illegible. MCU UH-2B helicopter secured to weather deck. LA MS UH-2B helicopter approaching for landing. CU Plane director w/ flags, directing UH-2B coming in & touching down; crewmen move in to secure helicopter. MCU Patient in stretcher to helicopter & lifting off deck. 08:16:47 Int of helicopter w/ mail sacks being handed in to crewman; ext. UH-2B lifting off. 08:17:11 MLS between USS OKLAHOMA CITY (CLG-5) & USS KENNEBEC (AO-36) during refueling at sea; two fuel lines seen. MLS Crew onboard USS KENNEBEC handling lines; fuel line extended across in FG. 08:17:44 MS Port bow of USS KENNEBEC w/ letters, O 36 thru calm water. 08:18:11 Slate: 18Jul64. MCU 7th Flt. band playing on weather deck; chief band master in left FG directing; CU trumpet players; pan left to second trumpet player. Other views. 08:19:23 Slate: 19Jul64 LS over Saigon River; pan righ, to merchant ship approaching. HA MS Out over bow of USS OKLAHOMA CITY approaching merchant ships docked in left BG in City of Saigon. 08:20:15 MLS Merchant ships in river. 08:20:34 MS passing American Export Line merchant ship w/ black smoke from stack of ship; dock area in BG, other merchant ships docked. 08:21:13 MLS Small minesweeper, no. 114. 08:21:34 MCU CAPT. BONNER, binoculars around neck, looking out over side. 08:21:38 Slate: illegible. CU Small table on deck w/ dolls, games, etc. 08:21:52 CU Marine sentry on guard, alongside USS OKLAHOMA CITY. 08:21:59 CU Unidentified VIPs onboard USS OKLAHOMA CITY being greeted by ship’s officers. 08:22:06 MS South Vietnamese navy ship moored in river . 08:22:17 LS Saigon River , as seen from USS OKLAHOMA CITY w/ tugs turning CLG-5 in muddy river. Officers on bridge; view of city from ship & dock w/ army crane truck & ship docking seen from ship. GOOD. Cleveland-class light cruisers; Guided Missile Cruiser; Navy; Naval Deployment; NOTE: USS Oklahoma City participated in evacuation of Saigon