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Go to HomepageReel Number: H1916-01
Color: Colour
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1969
Country: USA,Vietnam
Location: Cu Chi,FSB Crook,Hells Half Acre,Patrol Base Diamond III,Tay Ninh
TC Begins: 09:00:13
TC Ends: 09:26:58
Duration: 00:26:45
Vietnam War - Color, 1969 Construction: Activities of the 25th Infantry Division, Apr69 Slate: Apr69 25th Inf. Div. Cu Chi. AKA Hell’s Half Acre. MCU Soldiers into tunnel; CU of ?? in bottle from tunnel. Search underbrush & leaves for tunnel entrances to Vietcong underground hospital complex. CUs. Collected medical gear & medicine. 09:01:20 M113 APCs (The Misfits; El Torro) move into tree line; thru brush. CU & POV. 09:02:03 Flare at landing site; CH54 helicopter in w/ airmobile bulldozer, buildings around. CH-54 flies off. 09:02:43 Soldier attaches charge to blow 105mm dud round. (65th Engr Bn). CU, soldier lights fuse w/ cigarette. 60mm mortar round also prepared for demolition. 09:05:04 LS, soldier runs, charge exploding. 09:05:20 Slate: 06Apr69 Cu Chi. D7 bulldozers knock over trees & clearing bamboo & dense growth. 09:08:03 Slate: 06Apr69 Cu Chi. D-7 bulldozers clearing jungle. Truck w/ air compressor arrives. 09:12:36 Slate: 06Apr69 Cu Chi. Bulldozers parked, cleaned w/ air compressor to blow out dust & dirt; clean air cleaner. 09:13:34 Slate: 06Apr69 Cu Chi. CUs, hands, feet & face of soldier operating controls, parts of bulldozer. 09:16:20 Slate: 06Apr69 Cu Chi UH1D helicopters hovering over landing field. Aerial of Patrol Base Diamond III under construction near Cambodian border. 09:17:09 MCU operator on airmobile dozer pushing dirt to build up burn around perimeter of base. 09:18:36 Wooden tower airlifted into the base. A mini-max track vehicle towing trailer past. 09:19:08 Aerial, armored vehicles on dirt road. Engr night defensive position (NDP). 09:19:45 07Apr69 Aerials low over cleared strip: Rome plows clearing jungle for airstrips. 09:20:28 Aerial, laterite pit & dozers working. Ground shots, bulldozer working laterite pit. CU, soldier holding laterite. MS dozer pushing laterite. LS Frontloader piles laterite. 09:21:42 Slate: Cu Chi. Armored vehicle launch bridge (AVLB) set across creek. Bridge is raised up & lowered onto track of AVLB. AVLB is directed away. 09:23:43 Soldiers working on culvert construction, move into place & assemble. 09:24:26 Aerial from helicopter. Brief. 09:24:48 Men place flare; smoke from signal grenade. UH-1D copter comes in for landing. 09:25:12 Aerials, Tay Ninh. Heavily cratered area; village. Views of base. Ground shots, Rome plows pushing over trees & clearing brush at FSB Crook near Cambodian border. 1969; Pre- FSB Crook Battle; Construction; 1960s; Note: Any continuous 14 minutes sold at per reel rate.