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Go to HomepageReel Number: H1187-03
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1919
Country: England,France,United Kingdom
Location: London,Paris
TC Begins: 03:21:20
TC Ends: 03:35:50
Duration: 00:14:30
Post-WWI - 1919, Glimpses of Persons, Places and Events Reel 1 E.M. House and aides pose on steps at his Paris office. 03:21:33 Admiral Benson & Henry White leave the Crillon, MCU look at papers. 03:22:19 Premier Georges Clemenceau & Marshal Foch leave No. 10 Downing Street . 03;22:29 Hotels Elysées-Palace, Crillon, & Ritz in Paris w/ passing traffic & street scenes / activity. Delegates into taxi cabs & leaving. Delegates arriving including: Premier Orlando and Baron Sonnino of Italy, Lloyd George and David Balfour, Gen. Tasker Bliss, Robert Lansing, Pres. and Mrs. Wilson, Adm. Grayson, Clemenceau, Pres. Poincare, Min. of For. Affairs Pichon, arrive at the Quai d'Orsay, Paris, to open the peace conference. 03:30:39 Interior of conference room w/o delegates. 03:30:50 Arrivals continue. 03:31:59 Delegates leaving. 03:34:16 Delegates arriving at hotels or Quai d’Orsay ; includes Japanese. Woman w/ dog. David Lloyd George. 03:35:02 Captain Hassan Bey Kadri poses. 03:35:19 Other arrivals. 03:35:29 MCU Arthur J. Balfour. Post-WW1 Peace Conference Delegates; Diplomats;