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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221135-06
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1940,1943
Country: France,Germany,United Kingdom,USA England
Location: dover,London
TC Begins: 16:47:28
TC Ends: 16:56:25
Duration: 00:08:57
NOTE: For ordering information see: or contact us at: R2 of 6 British Home Front cont’d. Men & women work in armament factory, aircraft assembly, woman on lathe, factory machinery, steel foundry. Tea trolley. Fatigued workers relax playing darts. Home Guard patrolling moors, man road blocks, rehearse invasion defenses. Home Guard leaving home, wife goodbye & joins others walking on road. 16:48:53 Winston Churchill, tips hat to crowd, people listen to radio broadcast “we shall fight them on the beaches“ speech over shots of invasion defenses. Houses of Parliament thru barbed wire. Family digging Anderson home civil defense shelter. Civilians carry gas masks. Montage preparation shots - King George VI looking over English Channel. 16:49:46 Air raid siren & reaction shots, children & babies w/ gas masks. 08Aug40 Two soldiers on spotting duty at coast, anti-aircraft guns, German aircraft attack channel convoys; bombs exploding. RAF scramble, bell ringing, fighter planes take off from grass field. Dogfights over channel, gun camera footage. German plane crashes into sea. Wrecked Nazi planes. 16:53:43 Animated graphic re Battle of Britain. German planes bomb British coastline. Bus with Rye on front pulls up to side of country road as German plane comes in to attack, “It’s Jerry - take cover!”. Bullet holes in bus. Spitfire on tail of Luftwaffe fighter. More wrecked German aircraft. German planes bomb Plymouth. Cargo ships in docks unload supplies. Spitfires in flight. 16:55:16 Luftwaffe attack Dover / Hellfire Corner. Bombing airfields. RAF planes hidden in trees. Spitfires in flight. Animated graphic re Battle of Britain losses. British pilot parachutes into Channel. Pickup by Navy speedboat. Plane overhead. WWII; Blitz; Propaganda Documentary; WW2; NOTE: For ordering information see: or contact us at: