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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221181-02
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1945
Country: Russia,USSR
Location: Stalingrad
TC Begins: 15:05:51
TC Ends: 15:12:28
Duration: 00:06:37
Stalingrad Relives aka Stalingrad Rebuilds R2 of 6 Woman putting up poster on wagon: “On the way to rebuild heroic Stalingrad.” Other signs & painted slogans relating to gifts for Stalingrad & workers. People leaving on train. Steam engines pulling passenger & freight trains. Women working at canning machine beneath sign: “...for rebuilders of Stalingrad”. Cases of goods shipped. Kitchen wagons packed, freight train; sewing room & women packing goods for Stalingrad. POV along railroad & trains arriving in Stalingrad. Group listening to man by railroad & applauding. People gather chests, carry crates & boxes on their backs. People given clothes, gifts, toys, shoes. Boxes of glass unpacked & installed as windows. 15:08:50 Sign: All forces are joined to rebuild Stalingrad”. Electic works. Men rebuilding gas storage tanks, turbines. Clock tower: “State Electric Power Station.” Electrical plant starting w/ smokestack & black smoke. Workers marching w/ Lenin portraits & banners. 15:10:55 Poster: “Stalingrad is alive...salute for the heroic city of Stalingrad. Salute for our hero Stalin.” Plane low overhead. Orchestra & people filling square. Men & women laying bricks and rebuilding. Women helping to clean up and reconstruct buildings. People applauding woman w/ banner. WWII Aftermath; Destruction; Nazis