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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221359-05
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1943,1940s
Country: Egypt,Russia,USSR
Location: Cairo,Stalingrad
TC Begins: 14:19:59
TC Ends: 14:25:43
Duration: 00:05:44
WWII - Battle of Stalingrad & Surrender; Christmas 1943 in Egypt; Germany Aerial of city (Stalingrad?) burning w/ water beyond. Rubble. Russians running out of trenches in city;’ move thru streets; firing machine guns, rifles, tommy guns from buildings. Running thru fire. Sniper. Grenades & street fighting. 14:21:08 Rockets fired from launchers, snow on ground; tanks across snow covered fields. Troops run to meet in snow. CUs Generals. Troops fighting in city rubble. 14:21:34 German General out of railroad train car in snow (brief). Fighting in city rubble, factory w/ explosion. Russian troops sitting on chairs on ice, warm hands over fire. Eating, sleeping against wall. 14:22:02 British soldiers w/ Egyptian pyramids in background onto camel & fall off. Others give out candy to kids; take baths in large tubs; throw confetti (?) from balcony. CU sign: A Happy Christmas. Drink beer under camouflage netting. Eisenhower at roadside in North Africa eating. Large group of British soldiers eating big pieces of chicken. 14:22:27 Sign on RR car: Erste Lebensmittel - Ukraine/Berlin Sendun (food for Ukraine...). Nazi soldiers unloading crates from train cars. Women around table w/ candles making holiday baskets, exchanging gifts. 14:22:53 Russian soldiers in blankets shivering in snow, walking in woven shoes. Enormous line of POWs marched by Germans thru snow. Cemetery w/ bodies. MCU & CU German officers, Gen. Paulus & others, into house for surrender to Russians. 14:24:42 Russian vehicles along road in snow, tanks, infantry running across. Putting Russian flag on side of building; troops meeting, kissing. 14:25:13 German POWs (?). 14:25:24 Russian headlines: Ending of Leningrad Blockade (relating). Train out of station w/ Stalin picture on front & people waving. Troops at campfire eating. Fighting; Battle of Stalingrad; Military Surrender; Victory;