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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221393-02
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1940s
Country: Germany,Russia,USSR
Location: Moscow,Russia
TC Begins: 07:09:58
TC Ends: 07:20:45
Duration: 00:10:47
Battle of Kursk (Related) R02 of 18 Sd. okay unless noted. Russian & German tanks in battle, burning, moving, crashing. Over rough ground, burning, forward w/ troops following. German troops running. (VERY GOOD). 07:10:59 POV from top of German tank moving forward w/ soldiers & puppy; take off helmets & relaxing, playing cards. Officer eating at table w/ tablecloth. Rockets fired, Russian (?) tanks firing, seen from inside. Burning German soldier on tank. German soldier w/ head in hands. 07:11:38 Russian tank factory, manufacturing shots. 07:11:55 Hitler at map table (contrasty) w/ animation pointing to Kursk; gesturing w/ Generals. Outdoors. 07:12:22 Montage: Railroad tracks, train runovers, Germans riding train to front w/ equipment, POV thru mts. 07:12:43 German tank factory; airplane factory & assembly; men working on tanks & assembling; lines of tanks moving out. 07:13:39 German Tiger aka Panther tanks to front; knocks down tree. Generals watch. Firing. Thru building. German troops march, LS across fields & thru valley. 07:15:10 Twin-engine reconnaissance plane taxiis up, camera removed & photos examined. CU fingers on teletype, tape printed out in Russian. 07:15:33 Kremlin from bridge & river views, sunset. Russian Generals at map planning attack. MCUs. Wall map. 07:16:09 Factories, steel mills, pouring steel, forming ingots, drop hammer (GOOD) on sheet steel, moving large shell cartridges w/ crane. 07:17:01 POV past fighter planes, tanks on assembly line, turret moved into place, tank carried by crane & lowered, (dramatic), driven out of factory w/ troops on top. Line driven on road, across field to front. Troops march to front (grainy). 07:18:38 Generals out of shelter & thru trenches, look at map. Three generals look out from camouflaged shelter w/ binoculars, others above pointing, looking. View thru binoculars. 07:19:19 Gen. Von Manstein greets troops. Himmler off plane, greets SS after Kharkov offensive. Troops given Iron Cross award, shaking hands, CUs. Relaxing, playing guitar on top of tank; playing cards. Tired. Eating, drinking from canteen, smoking, receiving food packages, mail. WWII Largest Armored Engagement; July 1943; Operation Citadel; Kursk Campaign; Operation Kutuzov; Operation Polkovodets Rumyantsev; NOTE: Eastern Front battles may be of mixed dates. This card sold at per reel rate.