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Go to HomepageReel Number: H1610-02
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1944
Country: Belarus,Germany,USSR
Location: vITEBSK
TC Begins: 10:10:13
TC Ends: 10:19:34
Duration: 00:09:21
Titles. 10:10:28 Animated map showing strategic location of Nazi-occupied Vitebsk in Belarus 250 miles west of Moscow; near Russian border. 10:11:02 Units of the Byelorussian army preparing to recapture city - tank, trucks w/ rockets & troops on the move; strategy map w/ optical shots of Generals commanding 1st & 3rd Belorussian Armies. 10:12:30 23Jun44 Heavy guns begin bombardment. Heavy artillery shots intercut w/ Soviet troops & officers monitoring from trenches. Soviet Air Force bombers in flight - bombs away / dropping; explosions. Infantry wait in trenches, then charge over the top - troops & tanks across open fields & meadows staged? - German soldiers surrender. Planes over low firing machine guns. 10:16:27 Soviet fighter diving towards target - side shot - PoV gun camera footage, GSAP. Field littered w/ dead German troops & destroyed equipment - corpses in trenches - German prisoners of war, PoWs. 10:18:10 Soviet civilians in German concentration camp following Soviet liberation - women crying - dead baby; bodies on stretchers into truck. Soldiers talk to kids - bread distributed. Soldier gives smiling little girl sugar cube. 10:19:12 Man reads Moscow newspaper. Camp survivors start journey home, walking down road w/ bundles. WWII; WW2 Eastern Front; Nazi Occupation; USSR; Germans; 1944; Fighting; Battles; Soviet Operation Bagration;