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Die Deutsche Wochenschau

Reel Number: 220790-01

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1939

Country: Germany,Hungary,Poland

Location: Budapest,Eastern Prussia,Kurland,Schlesien,stuhl,weissenburg

TC Begins: 07:00:28

TC Ends: 07:11:20

Duration: 00:10:52

Die Deutsche Wochenschau Red crosses on trains, kids run to greet as snow falls. Giving packages for wounded. Wounded wave from buses. Western Front: Riding on tanks; tanks in field firing. Mortars fired. Rockets launched from snowy field. Contrails of British Bombers overhead. Camouflaged tanks & troops in white winter gear advance. Tanks in forest wrecked in pits. Troops dug in. Eastern Front: Map; Horses pull wagons w/ refugees past camera. Captured Polish troops marched along road. Barricades built. Women board train & train leaves. Red cross women on train & serving refugees. Armband Deutscher Volkssturm Wehrmacht. With field packs, guns. Tiny robot tanks. Wagons of bombs pulled thru mud. Tanks past. Through snow-covered streets. Riflemen in trenches. Troops past on road in vehicles. March across snow covered fields. Firing from woods. plane in flight & POV dive bombing. Loading bombs on snow covered field. Bomber takes off towing glider. Dropping supplies by parachute. Kurland - soldiers collection money. Trucks snowed in on roads. Blizzard and troops digging in. Map of Hungary, Rumania, Croatia. German troops in Budapest. Woman moving paving stones into barricade. Artillery firing on Russian troops. Mortars fired. Personnel carriers in snow & troops advancing; thru Stuhl-Weissenburg. People waving to troops. Troops advancing, snow, horseback, riflemen in field. German artillery firing on Russian troops. Trucks burning, tanks advancing. POV. NOTE: In our experience German Nazi material is considered in the public domain throughout the world. If users feel any further clearances are necessary they are to be their own responsibility.

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