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Moscow Strikes Back Reel 2

Reel Number: 221037-10

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1941

Country: Russia,USSR

Location: Moscow

TC Begins: 03:48:29

TC Ends: 03:58:30

Duration: 00:10:01

Moscow Strikes Back Reel 2 Map of Moscow and surrounding area w/ Nazi advance. Lookout above Red Square - snow. Stalin speech, theoretically in Red Square, 07Nov41 - actually filmed in either Metro Komsomolskaya or Metro Meyerkovskaya station? “We fight alone against the forces of facism”. Russian army massed in Red Square - singing - march off to war - ski troops, cavalry & infantry - Cossacks. Tanks down snowy road. Moscow defences - camouflaged & armoured steam train out of siding - through snow covered cutting. Civilians building tank traps and laying barbed wire - cutting trees to act as tank traps. German plane overhead. Concealed heavy guns - snow-covered bunkers. 03:52:36 Montage of night bombing raids and anti-aircraft fire - armament factory, women filling shells - balloons - troops marching - snow suits - artillery. German plane downed - wreckage. 03:55:02 Russian pilots loading bombers and fighter planes on snowy airfield. AVs bombing raid - air to air - bombs hitting ground. Artillery observers ascend in hot air balloon. Montage heavy guns firing in snow - Russian artillery - CU barrels. Cavalry and tank units move forward. WWII. Soviet Russia. USSR. Eastern Front; WW2;

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